Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Render Battle 2020
  • Render Battle 2020
  • Render Battle 2020
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Edwin Maliakkal, United Kingdom
  • 2. Preis / 2nd prize: Anoovab Deka, United Kingdom
  • 3. Preis / 3rd prize: Tai Zheng Wei & Toh Koon Theng, Malaysia

Render Battle 2020

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
offen für alle

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

1. Preis / 1st Prize

Edwin Maliakkal, United Kingdom
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Edwin Maliakkal, United Kingdom
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Edwin Maliakkal, United Kingdom

2. Preis / 2nd prize

Anoovab Deka, United Kingdom
  • 2. Preis / 2nd prize: Anoovab Deka, United Kingdom
  • 2. Preis / 2nd prize: Anoovab Deka, United Kingdom

3. Preis / 3rd prize

Tai Zheng Wei & Toh Koon Theng, Malaysia
  • 3. Preis / 3rd prize: Tai Zheng Wei & Toh Koon Theng, Malaysia
  • 3. Preis / 3rd prize: Tai Zheng Wei & Toh Koon Theng, Malaysia

Anerkennung / Honorable Mention

Shaokang Li, United Kingdom
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Shaokang Li, United Kingdom
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Shaokang Li, United Kingdom

Anerkennung / Honorable Mention

Anoovab Deka, United Kingdom
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Anoovab Deka, United Kingdom
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Anoovab Deka, United Kingdom

Anerkennung / Honorable Mention

Wei Ying Ch’ng, Malaysia
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Wei Ying Ch’ng, Malaysia
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Wei Ying Ch’ng, Malaysia

Anerkennung / Honorable Mention

Sarah Hopfner-Heindl, Österreich
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Sarah Hopfner-Heindl, Österreich
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Sarah Hopfner-Heindl, Österreich

Anerkennung / Honorable Mention

Sahil Rattha Singh, Indien
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Sahil Rattha Singh, Indien
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Sahil Rattha Singh, Indien

Anerkennung / Honorable Mention

Akash Ganguly & Madhavi Sharma, Indien
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Akash Ganguly & Madhavi Sharma, Indien
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Akash Ganguly & Madhavi Sharma, Indien

Anerkennung / Honorable Mention

Ahmed Noeman & Jace Marc Fernandes, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Ahmed Noeman & Jace Marc Fernandes, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Ahmed Noeman & Jace Marc Fernandes, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

Anerkennung / Honorable Mention

Osama Zia Khan, Indien
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Osama Zia Khan, Indien
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Osama Zia Khan, Indien

Anerkennung / Honorable Mention

Darlyn Chau, United States of America
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Darlyn Chau, United States of America
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: Darlyn Chau, United States of America

Anerkennung / Honorable Mention

高原 & 李杼欣, China
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: 高原 & 李杼欣, China
  • Anerkennung / Honorable Mention: 高原 & 李杼欣, China
Offener Wettbeewerb

One Mind-blowing Architectural Graphic.
Create one rendering or graphic that conveys an architectural design in the most nuanced way possible. It may be of a new proposal, fictional design or an existing building. It can be located anywhere in the world and be at any scale. The rendering can take the form of a digital collage, sketch, perspective, illustration, drawing, realistic render, etc. It can be drawn by hand or on the computer using any software. This should be accompanied by a short description, in no more than 150 words.
Let your creative juices flow freely and create the most visually stunning architectural graphics!

• STEPHANIE BOWER (Architectural Illustrator, Author and Educator)
• MILOS TEMERINSKI (Founder – Balkan Architect)
• AGNIESZKA KLICH (Co-founder – Black Balance Studio & Arch Viz Artist)
• KAREN LEWIS (Associate Professor – Ohio State University & Amazon Bestseller Author)

More informations
Renderings have been an architect’s greatest medium to convey a design. It is the art of creating images that highlight the best attributes of an architectural design. Architectural renderings can take many forms – digital collages, hand sketches, perspectives, illustrations, drawings, realistic renders etc.
Our world is becoming increasingly visual everyday. The digital revolution has given architects the opportunity to showcase our designs to millions of people. However, with thousands of images flowing across the web, each designer has just a brief moment to make an impact via one bold image that says it all!

One Mind-blowing Architectural Graphic.
Create one rendering or graphic that conveys an architectural design in the most nuanced way possible. It may be of a new proposal, fictional design or an existing building. It can be located anywhere in the world and be at any scale. The rendering can take the form of a digital collage, sketch, perspective, illustration, drawing, realistic render, etc. It can be drawn by hand or on the computer using any software. This should be accompanied by a short description, in no more than 150 words.
Let your creative juices flow freely and create the most visually stunning architectural graphics!

Exposure and recognition is the key to success for any designer. The Render Battle competition provides architects and students, the opportunity to showcase their work on a global stage.
• EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: The Top 3 Winners will get an exclusive interview in both – written and video formats. Photos, interview, and more information about the winners will be published on our website.
• PUBLICATIONS: The Winners and Honorable Mentions will be published on the Charette’s website and other international architecture magazines and websites partnered with us. The best entries will also be featured in theCharette Journal.
• CERTIFICATE: the Charette will also acknowledge the outstanding performance of all Winners, Honorable Mentions and Top 30 entries with Certificates of Achievement. All the participants will be awarded a participation e-certificate.

• Competition Announcement: September 5, 2020
• Registration Deadline: November 5, 2020
• Submission Deadline: November 10, 2020
• Results: December 2020

ELIGIBILITY: Open for all

REGISTER NOW AT- www.theCharette.org

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