Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Reusing Rooftops Barcelona 2024
  • Reusing Rooftops Barcelona 2024
  • Reusing Rooftops Barcelona 2024
  • Reusing Rooftops Barcelona 2024
  • Reusing Rooftops Barcelona 2024 International Architecture Competition | Image: © Archstorming
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)

Reusing Rooftops Barcelona 2024 , Barcelona/ Spanien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Keine Teilnahmebeschränkungen

Wie viele Buchstaben hat "wa"?

1. Preis / 1st Prize

Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)
  • 1. Preis / 1st Prize: Matías Molina, Alejandro Montaña, Pablo Ávila, Andres Acosta (Colombia)

2. Preis / 2nd Prize

Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)
  • 2. Preis / 2nd Prize: Tristan Boltz (France)

3. Preis / 3rd Prize

Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)
  • 3. Preis / 3rd Prize: Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Ton, Khoa Pham (Vietnam)

Special Mention “Soprema”

Mariano Macchione, Facundo Montiel, Ignacio Pérez (Spain)
  • Special Mention “Soprema”: Mariano Macchione, Facundo Montiel, Ignacio Pérez (Spain)
  • Special Mention “Soprema”: Mariano Macchione, Facundo Montiel, Ignacio Pérez (Spain)

Special Mention “Sika”

Luigi Castelli Gattinara (Italy)
  • Special Mention “Sika”: Luigi Castelli Gattinara (Italy)
  • Special Mention “Sika”: Luigi Castelli Gattinara (Italy)

Honorable Mention

Melis Varkal, Gokhan Celikag, Gokalp Kalfa (Turkey)
  • Honorable Mention: Melis Varkal, Gokhan Celikag, Gokalp Kalfa (Turkey)
  • Honorable Mention: Melis Varkal, Gokhan Celikag, Gokalp Kalfa (Turkey)

Honorable Mention

Abdulrahman AlSuraya, Zeliang Lyu (United Kingdom)
  • Honorable Mention: Abdulrahman AlSuraya, Zeliang Lyu (United Kingdom)
  • Honorable Mention: Abdulrahman AlSuraya, Zeliang Lyu (United Kingdom)

Honorable Mention

Phuoc Thuan Nguyen (Vietnam)
  • Honorable Mention: Phuoc Thuan Nguyen (Vietnam)
  • Honorable Mention: Phuoc Thuan Nguyen (Vietnam)

Honorable Mention

Ignacio Mazzucchelli (Argentina)
  • Honorable Mention: Ignacio Mazzucchelli (Argentina)
  • Honorable Mention: Ignacio Mazzucchelli (Argentina)

Honorable Mention

Matías Goldwasser, Milagros Cortiñas, Juan Agustín Anaya (Spain)
  • Honorable Mention: Matías Goldwasser, Milagros Cortiñas, Juan Agustín Anaya (Spain)
  • Honorable Mention: Matías Goldwasser, Milagros Cortiñas, Juan Agustín Anaya (Spain)

Honorable Mention

Jiahao Liu, Songshu Liu, Xinyang Du (Canada)
  • Honorable Mention: Jiahao Liu, Songshu Liu, Xinyang Du (Canada)
  • Honorable Mention: Jiahao Liu, Songshu Liu, Xinyang Du (Canada)

Honorable Mention

Agnieszka Ptak-Wojciechowska, Agata Gawlak (Poland)
  • Honorable Mention: Agnieszka Ptak-Wojciechowska, Agata Gawlak (Poland)
  • Honorable Mention: Agnieszka Ptak-Wojciechowska, Agata Gawlak (Poland)

Honorable Mention

Meldwin Joseph Espiritu (Philippines)
  • Honorable Mention: Meldwin Joseph Espiritu (Philippines)
  • Honorable Mention: Meldwin Joseph Espiritu (Philippines)

Honorable Mention

Umut Er. Pelin İplikci, Ferit Aktaş (Turkey)
  • Honorable Mention: Umut Er. Pelin İplikci, Ferit Aktaş (Turkey)
  • Honorable Mention: Umut Er. Pelin İplikci, Ferit Aktaş (Turkey)

Honorable Mention

Ariane Harrison, Yuxiang Chen, Wei Lin (United States)
  • Honorable Mention: Ariane Harrison, Yuxiang Chen, Wei Lin (United States)
  • Honorable Mention: Ariane Harrison, Yuxiang Chen, Wei Lin (United States)
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Reusing Rooftops Barcelona 2024 sucht nach innovativen und nachhaltigen Ideen für die Wiederverwendung von ungenutzten Dächern, Terrassen und Innenhöfen in dicht besiedelten städtischen Gebieten. Der Wettbewerb konzentriert sich auf die Stadt Barcelona und lädt die internationale Architektengemeinschaft ein, Vorschläge einzureichen, die diese oft vergessenen Flächen in Lebensräume mit unendlichen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten verwandeln und so eine neue Art des Erlebens von Städten von oben fördern.

Die Umwandlung von Dächern in produktive Räume trägt nicht nur zur Schaffung von Erholungs- und Naturräumen in der Stadt bei, sondern spielt auch eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Verbesserung der Luftqualität, der Verringerung der städtischen Wärmeinseln, der besseren Regenwasserbewirtschaftung, der Wärmedämmung von Gebäuden und der damit verbundenen Energieeinsparung sowie der Erhöhung und dem Schutz der lokalen Artenvielfalt. Außerdem wollen wir, dass die innovativen Vorschläge, die aus diesem Wettbewerb hervorgehen, anderen Städten, die vor ähnlichen Herausforderungen stehen, als nachahmenswerte Modelle dienen können.

In einer Zeit, in der die Klimakrise konkrete Maßnahmen erfordert, wird „Reusing Rooftops Barcelona 2024“ zu einer Plattform für urbane Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaanpassung in Regionen, die von den Auswirkungen der Klimakrise besonders betroffen sind, wie z.B. der Mittelmeerraum.

Competition assignment
Reusing Rooftops Barcelona 2024 seeks innovative and sustainable ideas for the reuse of unused rooftops, terraces, and courtyards in densely populated urban environments. It is focused on the city of Barcelona and invites the international community of architects to submit proposals that transform these often-forgotten spaces into living spaces with endless possible uses, thus fostering a new way of experiencing cities from the heights.

Transforming rooftops into productive spaces not only contributes to the creation of areas for recreation and nature in the city but also plays a crucial role in improving air quality, reducing urban heat islands, better rainwater management, thermal insulation of buildings with the consequent energy saving, and increasing and protecting local biodiversity. In addition, we seek that the innovative proposals arising from this competition can serve as replicable models for other cities facing similar challenges.

At a time when the climate crisis demands concrete actions, “Reusing Rooftops Barcelona 2024” becomes a platform to address urban sustainability and climate adaptation in regions particularly exposed to the impacts of the climate crisis, such as the Mediterranean region.

Joan Batlle – Partner at Batlleiroig
Elisabeth Contreras – Vicepresident at ASESCUVE
Cas Esbach – Architect at MVRDV
Lorenzo Fernández-Ordóñez – Cofounder of Porras Guadiana

Weitere Information zu allen Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:

Reusing Rooftops Barcelona 2024
International Architecture Competition
Reusing Rooftops, in collaboration with the Mies van der Rohe Foundation, has launched an international competition to transform the rooftops of Barcelona into useful spaces that enhance the quality of life for its citizens.
The competition invites participants from all over the world to propose innovative solutions for the sustainable reuse of these urban spaces and features a jury made up of firms such as Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), MVRDV, and Porras Guadiana.
Additionally, as part of the Barcelona Architecture Weeks 2024 program, there will be an event on the competition's topic featuring speakers from Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) and Batlleiroig, followed by a panel discussion with industry and public administration experts.
The competition prizes total 5,000 euros, distributed as first, second, and third prizes, along with two special mentions, “Soprema” and “Tierra,” each worth 500 euros. Moreover, the proposals most highly valued by the jury will be published in magazines, blogs, architecture websites, and social media.
Early registration: April 22 to May 22, 2024
Regular registration: May 23 to June 26, 2024
Submission deadline: June 26, 2024
Winners announced: July 10, 2024
For more information and details on how to participate, visit the competition website: www.reusingrooftops.com

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