Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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SEATS OF UNDERSTANDING 15th International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea , Trieste/ Italien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb

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BEBA Award

Linda Baissero (Croatia)


Paola Pisani (Italy)

CEI Award

“The Weaver's Seat“
Drini Berati (Albania)


“Go sit”
Slavko Petek and Dora Mihinjač (Croatia)
Open Call

Das Trieste Contemporanea Committee kündigt die 15. Ausgabe des Internationalen Designwettbewerbs Trieste Contemporanea an, mit dem Ziel, die originellsten zeitgenössischen Designangebote aus den Ländern Mittelosteuropas zu präsentieren. Der Wettbewerb findet alle zwei Jahre statt und wurde 1995 von dem italienischen Ästhetik- und Designwissenschaftler Gillo Dorfles ins Leben gerufen.

In dieser Ausgabe des Wettbewerbs wird ein potenziell ikonisches Stadtmobiliar gesucht, das symbolische Bedeutungen im Zusammenhang mit dem historischen Standort von Nova Gorica/Gorizia und dem Austausch kultureller Werte darstellen könnte.
Stadtmobiliar ist mehr als nur ein funktionales Werkzeug, es verkörpert soziale Werte und Gemeinschaftsaktionen. Hat es als solches das Potenzial, diese Werte und Handlungen auch zu beeinflussen und zu gestalten? Was kann an diesem Ort, zu diesem Zeitpunkt, durch Stadtgestaltung nachhaltig an die zukünftigen Bürger weitergegeben werden?

Der Teilnehmer sollte eine Sitzgelegenheit (z. B. eine Bank) mit dem oben genannten Konzept und Gefühl entwerfen, natürlich zum Ausruhen, zum Betrachten des Panoramas und zum Knüpfen von Kontakten. Das entworfene Stadtmobiliar muss sich in das alltägliche soziale Leben der Städte einfügen und so gestaltet sein, dass es Funktionalität, formale Einfachheit, Komfort, Langlebigkeit und minimale Wartung vereint. Es sollte in einer Kleinserie reproduzierbar sein.
Das Objekt der Studie könnte sowohl in der Stadt Nova Gorica als auch in Gorizia aufgestellt werden (mindestens zwei Orte in den beiden Städten müssen im Projekt vorgesehen werden) und die ideale Verbindung der beiden Städte während der GO! 2025 sowie ein zukünftiges Zeugnis für die ECoC 2025 und ihre Werte.

Competition assignment
The Trieste Contemporanea Committee announces the 15th edition of the International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea with the aim of showcasing the most original contemporary design offerings from the countries of Central Eastern Europe. The competition is a biennial event established in 1995 by the Italian scholar of aesthetics and design Gillo Dorfles.

This edition of the competition seeks a potentially iconic item of street furniture that could represent symbolic meanings linked to historical location of Nova Gorica/Gorizia, and the sharing of cultural values.
Street furniture is more than just a functional tool, it embodies social values and community action. As such, does it have the potential to also influence and shape those values and action? What can be sustainably transmitted in this location, at this point in time, through urban design to future citizens?

The contestant should design a seating installation (e.g. a bench) with the above concept and sentiments and of course for resting, viewing the panorama and socializing. The designed street furniture must be absorbed into the daily social life of the cities and has to be designed merging functionality, formal simplicity, comfort, durability and minimal maintenance. It should be reproducible in a small series.
The object of the study could possibly be placed both in the city of Nova Gorica and in that of Gorizia (at least two places in the two cities have to be foreseen in the project) and embody the ideal union of the two cities during GO! 2025 event, as well as future testimony to this ECoC 2025 and its values.

Giuliana Carbi Jesurun (Trieste Contemporanea)
Barbara Fabro (Central European Initiative)
Nicla Indrigo (ADI – Association for Industrial Design)
Giulio Polita (architect and architectural historian)
Maja Vardjan (MAO – Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana)

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinner*innen, der Preisverleihung und Ausstellung finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners, the award ceremony and exhibition can be found at:

SEATS OF UNDERSTANDING 15th International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea
Trieste Contemporanea
Via del Monte, 2/1
34121 Trieste – Italy
About the Competition
The Trieste Contemporanea Committee announces the 15th edition of the International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea with the aim of showcasing the most original contemporary design offerings from the countries of Central Eastern Europe. The competition is a biennial event established in 1995 by the Italian scholar of aesthetics and design Gillo Dorfles.
This edition of the competition seeks a potentially iconic item of street furniture that could represent symbolic meanings linked to historical location of Nova Gorica/Gorizia, and the sharing of cultural values.
Street furniture is more than just a functional tool, it embodies social values and community action. As such, does it have the potential to also influence and shape those values and action? What can be sustainably transmitted in this location, at this point in time, through urban design to future citizens?
The contestant should design a seating installation (e.g. a bench) with the above concept and sentiments and of course for resting, viewing the panorama and socializing. The designed street furniture must be absorbed into the daily social life of the cities and has to be designed merging functionality, formal simplicity, comfort, durability and minimal maintenance. It should be reproducible in a small series.
The object of the study could possibly be placed both in the city of Nova Gorica and in that of Gorizia (at least two places in the two cities have to be foreseen in the project) and embody the ideal union of the two cities during GO! 2025 event, as well as future testimony to this ECoC 2025 and its values.
Participation in the competition is free.
There is no age limit.
Individuals and groups can participate in the competition.
The competition is open to designers born in CEI member states (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine). In view of the enlarged territorial aspects, the 15th edition of the contest has been extended to include designers born in Austria. All group members must be born in the countries listed above.
Submission deadline: May 12, 2024, at 11:59 pm, CET
Announcement of the competition results: June 15, 2024
- The works selected by the jury will be exhibited in Trieste and published in an online catalogue on the Trieste Contemporanea website.
- BEBA PRIZE – for the youngest designer individually participating, among those selected: 1.000 €.
- CEI PRIZE – for the best design from one of the non-EU CEI countries: 3.000 €.
- GILLO DORFLES PRIZE / FIRST PRIZE TRIESTE CONTEMPORANEA – for 15th contest edition best design: 4.000 €.
Also, the winning project will be presented by Trieste Contemporanea to the “GO! 2025” organising bodies: should they decide on its subsequent realization, the winner will be informed of this and the full details of the production and event in due time.
More information and documents at

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