Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Tavertet Cliff-Edge Hotel , Tavertet/ Spanien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen, Designer*innen, Student*innen etc.

Wie viele Buchstaben hat "wa"?

1. Preis | Gewinner

101 Design Studio
Usman Haider · Hossam Anwar · Ammara Majeed

2. Preis

Ngo Duc Hieu · Nguyen Phuc Vinh · Chu Minh Duc

Honorable Mention | User Experience

Victoria Tyshchenko

Honorable Mention | Space and Visuals

Kinga Kopczyk

Honorable Mention | Concept

Projekt: LICTA
Theerapat Seeprasert

Honorable Mention | In-Depth Design

Projekt: IN:OUT
Zlata Rybchenko · K. Senko · O. Kozhukhar · V. Kanivets
T. Pavliuhina · Y. Sharyko · N. Biryukova
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Aufgabe: Entwurf eines landestypischen und vollständig nachhaltigen Ökohotels, das am Rande der dramatischen Klippen der Vorpyrenäen balanciert. Der Standort befindet sich in der Nähe des kleinen Bergdorfs Tavertet in Katalonien.

Wie können Menschen Räume nutzen, die mit der natürlichen Umgebung in Einklang stehen? Was können wir als Designer tun, um dies zu erreichen und eine Architektur zu schaffen, die die Zerstörung der natürlichen Welt vermeidet und gleichzeitig die Umwelt positiv beeinflusst?

Wir leben heute in einer Welt, in der die Architektur wertvolle Ressourcen verbraucht und die natürliche Umwelt zerstört. Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem Entwurf, der eine Verbindung zwischen Mensch und Natur herstellt und unserer natürlichen Umgebung etwas zurückgibt, anstatt nur von ihr zu nehmen.

Unser Briefing verlangt ein innovatives und kreatives Design, das sich auf die Nutzererfahrung und die Verbindung mit der umgebenden Natur, der Tierwelt und dem bestehenden Dorf konzentriert und die Umwelt so wenig wie möglich beeinträchtigt. Wir suchen ein besonderes und einzigartiges Stück Architektur, das zukünftige Entwürfe inspirieren wird.

Die Herausforderung besteht darin, ein nachhaltiges, umweltbewusstes Bauwerk oder eine Reihe von Bauwerken zu schaffen, die friedlich am Rande der Klippen stehen und ein emotionales Erlebnis für die Besucher bieten. Das Design sollte sich von der natürlichen Umgebung inspirieren lassen und sich mit ihr verbinden, damit die Besucher sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb des Hotels die dramatische Landschaft und die Tierwelt, die sie umgibt, hautnah erleben können.

The hotel will consist of a reception space, a communal area and private rooms. Each space should provide an opportunity for visitors to temporarily leave the burden of modern day life to reconnect and interact with nature.
The architecture should carefully consider the abundance wildlife of the area and the impact that any buildings may have on the natural flora and fauna of the Natural Park.

Competition assignment
Challenge: design a vernacular and fully sustainable eco-hotel balancing on the edge of the dramatic cliffs of the Pre-Pyrenees. The site is located next to the small mountain village of Tavertet, Catalonia.

How can humans occupy spaces that inspire harmony with the natural environment? What can we, as designers, do to accomplish this and create architecture that avoids destruction of the natural world while also benefitting our environmental impact?

We now live in a world where architecture takes valuable resources and causes destruction of the natural environment. We are looking for a design scheme that builds a connection between humans and nature and gives back to our natural surroundings, rather than only taking from them.

Our brief asks for an innovative and creative design focusing on the user experience and connection to the surrounding nature, wildlife and existing village with a minimal environmental impact. We are looking for a special and unique piece of architecture that will inspire future designs.

The challenge is to create a sustainable, environmentally conscious structure, or set of structures that sit peacefully, teetering at the edge of the cliffs, providing an emotive experience for visitors. The design should take its inspiration from the natural setting and connect with its surroundings, allowing visitors to have an immersive experience, both inside and outside of the hotel, of the dramatic scenery and wildlife that surrounds them.

The hotel will consist of a reception space, a communal area and private rooms. Each space should provide an opportunity for visitors to temporarily leave the burden of modern day life to reconnect and interact with nature.
The architecture should carefully consider the abundance wildlife of the area and the impact that any buildings may have on the natural flora and fauna of the Natural Park.

Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:

Tavertet Cliff-Edge Hotel
International Design Competition
Larsen Liverpool Limited
Challenge: design a vernacular and fully sustainable eco-hotel balancing on the edge of the dramatic cliffs of the Pre-Pyrenees. The site is located next to the small mountain village of Tavertet, Catalonia.
How can humans occupy spaces that inspire harmony with the natural environment? What can we, as designers, do to accomplish this and create architecture that avoids destruction of the natural world while also benefitting our environmental impact?
We now live in a world where architecture takes valuable resources and causes destruction of the natural environment. We are looking for a design scheme that builds a connection between humans and nature and gives back to our natural surroundings, rather than only taking from them.
Our brief asks for an innovative and creative design focusing on the user experience and connection to the surrounding nature, wildlife and existing village with a minimal environmental impact. We are looking for a special and unique piece of architecture that will inspire future designs.
The challenge is to create a sustainable, environmentally conscious structure, or set of structures that sit peacefully, teetering at the edge of the cliffs, providing an emotive experience for visitors. The design should take its inspiration from the natural setting and connect with its surroundings, allowing visitors to have an immersive experience, both inside and outside of the hotel, of the dramatic scenery and wildlife that surrounds them. 
The hotel will consist of a reception space, a communal area and private rooms. Each space should provide an opportunity for visitors to temporarily leave the burden of modern day life to reconnect and interact with nature.
The architecture should carefully consider the abundance wildlife of the area and the impact that any buildings may have on the natural flora and fauna of the Natural Park.
Larsen Liverpool Limited are an environmentally and sustainability minded company and we are determined to make the world a better place than we found it by reducing our global impact and carbon footprint.
One tree will be planted in a key reforestation project for each participant that signs up to one of our competitions.
Extended Submission deadline: 27th March 2023
Results announced: 20th June 2023
Entry Fees
Early Registration: £39
Standard Registration: £69
Final Registration £89
Competition voucher
Certificate of Achievement
Competition voucher
Certificate of Achievement
£100 voucher
Competition voucher
Certificate of Achievement
£100 voucher
Competition voucher
More information and documents at

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