Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • International Design Competition for The 2nd SEJONG CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS
  • International Design Competition for The 2nd SEJONG CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS
  • International Design Competition for The 2nd SEJONG CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS
  • International Design Competition for The 2nd SEJONG CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS
  • International Design Competition for The 2nd SEJONG CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS
  • International Design Competition for The 2nd SEJONG CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS

International Design Competition for The 2nd SEJONG CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS , Sejong/ Republik Korea

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
56 Arbeiten
Preisgerichtssitzung Stufe 1
Start Stufe 2

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1

Beom Architecture Co., Ltd.

Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1

Designcamp Moonpark dmp Co., Ltd.

Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1

DURIG AG, Jean-Pierre Durig

Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1

Heerim Architects & Planners Co., Ltd.

Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1

Zaha Hadid Architects
Architecture + Interiors: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)
Landscape: ULD Studio Co. Ltd
ZHA Design Principal: Patrik Schumacher
ZHA Project Director: Viviana Muscettola
ZHA Project Senior Associates: Hee Seung Lee · Arya Safavi
ZHA Project Architects: Davide Del Giudice · Luca Ruggeri
ZHA Project team: Daniel Coley · Ashwanth Govindaraji · Maria Lagging
Jose Eduardo Navarrete Deza · Yooyeon Noh · Angelica Videla
Visuals: Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
  • Gewinner Stufe 1 / Winner Stage 1: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) | Visualisierung / Render by: © Tegmark
Offener zweistufiger Wettbewerb

Im Einklang mit dem gestiegenen Ansehen von Yeouido als globales Finanzzentrum wird Seoul mit Yongsan-gu zusammenarbeiten, um den Yeouido-Park, der den östlichen und den westlichen Teil von Yeouido trennte und lediglich als Stadtteilpark diente, in einen weltberühmten Kulturpark im Stadtzentrum umzuwandeln. Innerhalb des umgestalteten Parks plant die Stadt den Bau des 2nd Sejong Center als Landmarke am Wasser.
- Ein "innerstädtischer Kulturpark" ist eine Kultureinrichtung/ein Kulturzentrum, das die Stadt mit ausgedehnten Grün- und Freiflächen repräsentiert, die verschiedene Aktivitäten unterstützen. Führende Beispiele für innerstädtische Kulturparks auf der ganzen Welt sind der Millennium Park in Chicago und der Bryant Park in New York, Vereinigte Staaten.

Competition assignment
In keeping with the elevated standing of Yeouido as a global finance center, Seoul will work with Yongsan-gu to transform Yeouido Park, which has separated the eastern and western parts of Yeouido and served simply as a neighborhood park, into a world-renowned downtown cultural park. Within the reformed park, the city plans to build the 2nd Sejong Center as a waterfront landmark.
– A ‘downtown cultural park’ is a cultural facility/center that represents the city with vast green areas and open spaces that support various activities. Leading examples of downtown cultural parks around the world include the Millennium Park in Chicago and Bryant Park in New York, United States.

Heekyung Koh, Hongik Daehangno Art Center
Jahoon Koo, Hanyang University
Kim Chanjoong, THE_SYSTEM LAB
Jae-Yong Lim, O.C.A Architects
Yang-kyo Chin, Professor, Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design, HongIk Univ.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter /
More information can be found at:


Press release by Zaha Hadid Architects

ZHA shortlisted in 2nd Sejong Cultural Centre competition

Seoul, Korea

Creating an interconnected sequence of indoor and outdoor public spaces that are enveloped by nature, Zaha Hadid Architects’ (ZHA) proposal for the 2nd Sejong Cultural Centre is defined by the city’s history and its unwavering optimism for the future.

Connecting Yeouido Park to the Han River, the 2nd Sejong Cultural Centre is embedded within the natural landscapes of the park. Providing its local community with new public plazas, gardens, wildflower meadows and woodland glades, the park’s organic terraces and reflecting ponds echo the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature encompassed within traditional Korean garden design.

Gently rising to the horizon where the roof garden gives panoramic views across Seoul and its historic river, the natural environments of Yeouido Park envelop a series of interior spaces that flow through the centre to the banks of the Han River; defining a vibrant new gathering place and cultural hub for the city.

Glazed rehearsal rooms ‘float’ within the centre’s large exhibition hall enabling members of the public to watch talented artists practice their skills throughout each day. The centre’s two performing arts theatres are located either side of this exhibition hall and designed to host the widest variety of performances by local, national and international artists.

An extraordinary 150-metre-long indoor public sky-deck crowns the cultural centre; giving sweeping views over the river and leading to the community area, educational centre, restaurant and lounge that all enjoy the sky-deck’s magnificent views of the city. At ground level, a seamless connection continues from Yeouido Park through the central exhibition gallery to the sculpture garden and beyond to the new riverside amphitheatre for outdoor performances and concerts on the waterfront.

Project Team

Architecture + Interiors:
Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)
Landscape: ULD Studio Co. Ltd
ZHA Design Principal: Patrik Schumacher
ZHA Project Director: Viviana Muscettola
ZHA Project Senior Associates: Hee Seung Lee, Arya Safavi
ZHA Project Architects: Davide Del Giudice, Luca Ruggeri
ZHA Project team: Daniel Coley, Ashwanth Govindaraji, Maria Lagging, Jose Eduardo Navarrete Deza, Yooyeon Noh, Angelica Videla
Visuals: Tegmark
International Design Competition for The 2nd SEJONG CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS
Public Development Business Division, Seoul Metropolitan Government
Competition Type
Design Competition with 2 stages
Competition Scope
Location: 120, Yeouigongwon-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Area of Site: 34000 m²
Main Facility Use: Facilities for cultural activities and assembly : 공연장
Schedule for Stage 1
Competition Announcement: 2023-05-15 14:00 – 2023-08-10 14:00 
Registration: 2023-05-15 14:00 – 2023-08-10 17:00 
Inquiry Receipt: 2023-05-29 10:00 – 2023-06-09 17:00 
Question and Answer: 2023-06-16 10:00 – 2023-06-16 23:00 
Project Submittal Deadline: 2023-08-09 10:00 – 2023-08-10 17:00 
1st Place and Prize Winners Announcement: 2023-08-18 10:00 – 2023-08-18 18:00
All dates and times follow Korean Standard Time (GMT+9).
About the Competition
In keeping with the elevated standing of Yeouido as a global finance center, Seoul will work with Yongsan-gu to transform Yeouido Park, which has separated the eastern and western parts of Yeouido and served simply as a neighborhood park, into a world-renowned downtown cultural park. Within the reformed park, the city plans to build the 2nd Sejong Center as a waterfront landmark.
– A ‘downtown cultural park’ is a cultural facility/center that represents the city with vast green areas and open spaces that support various activities. Leading examples of downtown cultural parks around the world include the Millennium Park in Chicago and Bryant Park in New York, United States.
More information and documents at
Languages: Korean, English (Submission document in Korean or English)

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