Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • The Architecture Drawing Prize 2021
  • The Architecture Drawing Prize 2021
  • The Architecture Drawing Prize 2021
  • The Architecture Drawing Prize 2021
  • Winner in the Hand-Drawn category: ‘Reconfiguring Addis Ababa's Narratives’ by Antonio Paoletti
  • Winner in the Hybrid category: ‘Fluid Strata’ by Filippa Dafni
  • Winner in the Hybrid category: ‘(Un)homeliness’ by Boji Hu
  • Winner in the Digital category + The Lockdown Prize: ‘Site(s) of Flux’ by Zachary Higson

The Architecture Drawing Prize 2021 , London/ Vereinigtes Königreich

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Architekt*innen, Designer*innen und Student*innen

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Winner in the Hand-Drawn category

‘Reconfiguring Addis Ababa's Narratives’ by Antonio Paoletti
  • Winner in the Hand-Drawn category: ‘Reconfiguring Addis Ababa's Narratives’ by Antonio Paoletti
  • Winner in the Hand-Drawn category: ‘Reconfiguring Addis Ababa's Narratives’ by Antonio Paoletti

Winner in the Hybrid category

‘Fluid Strata’ by Filippa Dafni
  • Winner in the Hybrid category: ‘Fluid Strata’ by Filippa Dafni
  • Winner in the Hybrid category: ‘Fluid Strata’ by Filippa Dafni

Winner in the Hybrid category

‘(Un)homeliness’ by Boji Hu
  • Winner in the Hybrid category: ‘(Un)homeliness’ by Boji Hu
  • Winner in the Hybrid category: ‘(Un)homeliness’ by Boji Hu
  • Winner in the Hybrid category: ‘(Un)homeliness’ by Boji Hu
  • Winner in the Hybrid category: ‘(Un)homeliness’ by Boji Hu
  • Winner in the Hybrid category: ‘(Un)homeliness’ by Boji Hu
  • Winner in the Hybrid category: ‘(Un)homeliness’ by Boji Hu

Winner in the Digital category + The Lockdown Prize

‘Site(s) of Flux’ by Zachary Higson
  • Winner in the Digital category + The Lockdown Prize: ‘Site(s) of Flux’ by Zachary Higson
  • Winner in the Digital category + The Lockdown Prize: ‘Site(s) of Flux’ by Zachary Higson
Award / Auszeichnung

In Zusammenarbeit mit Make Architects und dem Sir John Soane's Museum hat das World Architecture Festival (WAF) die Ausschreibung für die fünfte Ausgabe des von Gleeds gesponserten The Architecture Drawing Prize bekannt gegeben. Der 2017 ins Leben gerufene Preis wurde ins Leben gerufen, um die Kunst und das Können der Architekturzeichnung zu feiern und zu präsentieren.

Im Einklang mit den Arbeiten großer Architekten der Vergangenheit, von Palladio und John Soane bis hin zu Le Corbusier und Cedric Price, ist der Architecture Drawing Prize eine Plattform, um darüber nachzudenken und zu erforschen, wie die Zeichnung die Kunst der Architektur heute weiter voranbringt.

Er umfasst den kreativen Einsatz digitaler Werkzeuge und digital erstellter Renderings, erkennt aber gleichzeitig die anhaltende Bedeutung der Handzeichnung an.

Die Organisatoren laden zu Einsendungen aller Arten und Formen ein - von konzeptionellen bis hin zu technischen oder Konstruktionszeichnungen, Schnitten oder perspektivischen Ansichten und allem, was dazwischen liegt.

Competition assignment
In partnership with Make Architects and Sir John Soane’s Museum, the World Architecture Festival (WAF) has announced the call for entries for the fifth edition of The Architecture Drawing Prize, sponsored by Gleeds. Launched in 2017, the Prize was established to celebrate and showcase the art and skill of architectural drawing.

In the spirit of work by great architects of the past, from Palladio and John Soane to Le Corbusier and Cedric Price, The Architecture Drawing Prize is a platform for reflecting on and exploring how drawing continues to advance the art of architecture today.

It embraces the creative use of digital tools and digitally produced renderings, while recognising the enduring importance of hand drawing.

The organisers invite entries of all types and forms – from conceptual to technical or construction drawings, cutaways or perspective views and anything in between.

Paul Finch, Programme Director of the World Architecture Festival (chairman)
Robin Brodie Cooper, Equity Partner, Gleeds
Lily Jencks, Co-founder of LilyJencksStudio and JencksSquared
Narinder Sagoo, Senior Partner at Foster + Partners
Ken Shuttleworth, Founder of Make Architects
Louise Stewart, Curator of Exhibitions at Sir John Soane's Museum
Pablo Bronstein, Artist

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

Entries for The Architecture Drawing Prize 2021 are now open!
In partnership with Make Architects and Sir John Soane’s Museum, the World Architecture Festival (WAF) has announced the call for entries for the fifth edition of The Architecture Drawing Prize, sponsored by Gleeds. Launched in 2017, the Prize was established to celebrate and showcase the art and skill of architectural drawing.
In the spirit of work by great architects of the past, from Palladio and John Soane to Le Corbusier and Cedric Price, The Architecture Drawing Prize is a platform for reflecting on and exploring how drawing continues to advance the art of architecture today.
It embraces the creative use of digital tools and digitally produced renderings, while recognising the enduring importance of hand drawing. 
The organisers invite entries of all types and forms – from conceptual to technical or construction drawings, cutaways or perspective views and anything in between.  
Entries are welcomed from architects, designers and especially students from around the world in the following categories: Hand-drawn, Digital, and Hybrid (combining the two). Submissions across the three categories will be evaluated on the basis of their technical skill, originality of approach and ability to convey an architectural idea. Drawings can be entirely speculative or relate to real projects.
Lockdown Prize
For the second year running, there will also be a special prize focused on the global lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic, chosen from all the entries. The Lockdown Prize will be focused on a drawing completed during lockdown or a drawing relating to the changes that Covid-19 will bring to architecture.
This year’s judges are artists Ben Langlands & Nikki Bell; Ken Shuttleworth, founder of Make Architects; Lily Jencks, founder of LilyJencksStudio and JencksSquared; Louise Stewart, curator at Sir John Soane‘s Museum; Narinder Sagoo, senior partner at Foster + Partners; artist Pablo Bronstein; Robin Brodie Cooper, Equity Partner at Gleeds, and Paul Finch, programme director of the World Architecture Festival.
Paul Finch commented: ‘The universal language of drawing has a special significance in current circumstances and we look forward to celebrating excellence once again.’
The entry deadline for submissions is 17 September 2021. The winners and shortlist will be decided in October, and displayed at World Architecture Festival in Lisbon from 1 to 3 December. Winners will receive complimentary tickets to the event, which will include a panel discussion featuring some of the award judges. A selection of winning and other entries will be the subject of an exhibition at the Soane Museum in early 2022.
More than 80 percent of the shortlisted entries for 2020 were submitted by entrants who are students or under the age of 30. This year, the organisers will hold the 2020 entry prices with a standard submission costing £198 and a reduced rate of £24 for all entries by students and under-30s. There is also a multiple entry discount offered when submitting three or more projects. Entrants should use the code STANDARDMULTI10 or STUDENTMULTI10 at the checkout to save 10%.
Louise Stewart, curator at Sir John Soane‘s Museum, adds: „Sir John Soane’s Museum is delighted to host the fifth annual exhibition of works from The Architecture Drawing Prize. The Prize highlights the ways in which drawing remains central to architectural practice and is a key driver in the creative process. With its range of digital, hand- drawn and hybrid works, the exhibition will offer a powerful insight to the discipline of architectural drawing today.” 
Ken Shuttleworth founder of Make Architects, comments: “We’re genuinely excited to see The Architecture Drawing Prize start its fifth year. I’m so pleased that the Prize has provided a level of meaning and connection during the lockdowns for those involved and I’m especially delighted at its continuing role in providing a platform and profile to many hugely talented young artists and architects.”
Robin Brodie Cooper, an Equity Partner at Gleeds, the 2021 sponsor of the prize, commented: “When Ken Shuttleworth, founder of Make Architects asked us to be one of the lead sponsors for the Architectural Drawing Prize Gleeds saw this as an opportunity to give something back to the young and dynamic generation in the Architectural community that create the most imaginative drawings which will eventually lead to the great designs of buildings in the future.”
For full details on how to enter the Architecture Drawing Prize visit: 
Instagram @architecturedrawingprize

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