Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • The Architecture Drawing Prize 2022
  • The Architecture Drawing Prize 2022
  • The Architecture Drawing Prize 2022
  • Overall Winner + Hybrid Category Winner: Fitzroy Food Institute by Samuel Wen and Michael Ren
  • Hand-Drawn Category Winner: The Spirit of Mountain by Weicheng Ye
  • Digital Category Winner: „The wall“ by Anton Markus Pasing

The Architecture Drawing Prize 2022 , London/ Vereinigtes Königreich

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Architekt*innen, Designer*innen und Student*innen
138 Arbeiten

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Overall Winner + Hybrid Category Winner

Fitzroy Food Institute by Samuel Wen and Michael Ren
  • Overall Winner + Hybrid Category Winner: Fitzroy Food Institute by Samuel Wen and Michael Ren
  • Overall Winner + Hybrid Category Winner: Fitzroy Food Institute by Samuel Wen and Michael Ren

Hand-Drawn Category Winner

The Spirit of Mountain by Weicheng Ye
  • Hand-Drawn Category Winner: The Spirit of Mountain by Weicheng Ye
  • Hand-Drawn Category Winner: The Spirit of Mountain by Weicheng Ye

Digital Category Winner

„The wall“ by Anton Markus Pasing
  • Digital Category Winner: „The wall“ by Anton Markus Pasing
  • Digital Category Winner: „The wall“ by Anton Markus Pasing
Award / Auszeichnung

Der Architecture Drawing Prize wurde 2017 von Make Architects, Sir John Soane's Museum und dem World Architecture Festival ins Leben gerufen. Der Preis, gesponsert von der Iris Ceramica Group, wurde gegründet, um die Kunst und das Können der Architekturzeichnung zu feiern und zu präsentieren.

Der Preis richtet sich an Architekten, Designer und Studenten aus der ganzen Welt und würdigt die Bedeutung der Zeichnung als Werkzeug zur Erfassung und Vermittlung architektonischer Ideen.

Die Teilnehmer sind eingeladen, Arbeiten in drei Kategorien einzureichen: handgezeichnet, digital und hybrid.
Die Jury wird einen Gewinner für jede Kategorie sowie einen Gesamtsieger ermitteln.

Die prämierten und ausgezeichneten Arbeiten werden von Februar bis Mai 2023 in einer eigenen Ausstellung im Sir John Soane's Museum in London zu sehen sein. Die Reisekosten des Gesamtsiegers werden für die Teilnahme an der Vorabveranstaltung übernommen.
Die Gewinner erhalten außerdem einen Delegiertenausweis für das World Architecture Festival in Lissabon, wo ihre Arbeiten ausgestellt werden und sie die Möglichkeit haben, an einer Podiumsdiskussion teilzunehmen.

Competition assignment
The Architecture Drawing prize was launched in 2017 by Make Architects, Sir John Soane’s Museum and the World Architecture Festival. The prize, sponsored by Iris Ceramica Group, was established to celebrate and showcase the art and skill of architectural drawing.

The prize welcomes entries from architects, designers and students from around the world while celebrating the significance of drawing as a tool in capturing and communicating architectural ideas.

Entrants are invited to submit work in three categories: hand-drawn, digital and hybrid.
The judges will decide on a winner for each category as well as an overall winner.

The winning and commended entries will go on display at a dedicated exhibition at Sir John Soane's Museum in London from February to May 2023. The overall winner's travel expenses will be covered to attend the preview event.
The winners will also receive a delegate pass to the World Architecture Festival in Lisbon where they will have their work on display and have the opportunity to present on a panel discussion.

Die Kategoriesieger werden auf dem World Architecture Festival in Lissabon ausgestellt und beim Galadinner am 2. Dezember 2022 ausgezeichnet.

In der ersten Hälfte des nächsten Jahres werden die in die engere Wahl gekommenen Zeichnungen im Sir John Soane's Museum in London ausgestellt (08.02.-07.05.23), und der Gesamtsieger für 2022 wird bei der Vorbesichtigung der Ausstellung zum Architecture Drawing Prize des Museums bekannt gegeben.

The Category Winners will be on display at the World Architecture Festival in Lisbon and presented their awards at the Gala Dinner on 2 December, 2022.

In the first half of next year, the shortlisted drawings will be exhibited at Sir John Soane’s Museum in London (08/02-07/05/23) and the Overall Winner for 2022 will be announced at the Museum’s Architecture Drawing Prize exhibition preview.

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

The Architecture Drawing Prize 2022
make architects, London
Sir John Soane’s Museum, London
World Architecture Festival, UK
Competition assignment
The Architecture Drawing prize was launched in 2017 by Make Architects, Sir John Soane’s Museum and the World Architecture Festival. The prize, sponsored by Iris Ceramica Group, was established to celebrate and showcase the art and skill of architectural drawing.
The prize welcomes entries from architects, designers and students from around the world while celebrating the significance of drawing as a tool in capturing and communicating architectural ideas.
Entrants are invited to submit work in three categories: hand-drawn, digital and hybrid.
The judges will decide on a winner for each category as well as an overall winner.
The winning and commended entries will go on display at a dedicated exhibition at Sir John Soane's Museum in London from February to May 2023. The overall winner's travel expenses will be covered to attend the preview event.
The winners will also receive a delegate pass to the World Architecture Festival in Lisbon where they will have their work on display and have the opportunity to present on a panel discussion.
Competition type
Award / Prize
Admission area
Architects, designers and students
Entry deadline: 23 September 2022
Dr Bruce Boucer, Sir John Soane’s Museum
Pablo Bronstein, Artist
Paul Finch, World Architecture Festval
Lily Jenks, Lily Jenks Studio, JencksSquared
Ben & Nikki Langlands & Bell, Artists
Federica Minozzi, Iris Ceramica Group
Narinder Sagoo, Foster + Partners
Ken Shuttleworth, Make Architects
Submission details
Drawings should have been completed over the past 18 months.
1. Hand-drawing
2. Hybrid
3. Digital (must be a still image, not animated)
Price: £99 (+ 23% VAT)
More information and details at

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