Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • The City Link – Discovering a Public Space on a Cycling Bridge
  • The City Link – Discovering a Public Space on a Cycling Bridge
  • The City Link – Discovering a Public Space on a Cycling Bridge
  • Winner: Santiago Muros Cortés,
  • Runner-Up: Francisco Javier Rodriguez Salas,
  • Runner-Up: Paweł Danielak, bartek Brutza & Marceli Sobański,

The City Link – Discovering a Public Space on a Cycling Bridge , Kopenhagen/ Dänemark

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Offener Wettbewerb

Wie viele Buchstaben hat "wa"?


Santiago Muros Cortés,
  • Winner: Santiago Muros Cortés,
  • Winner: Santiago Muros Cortés,


Francisco Javier Rodriguez Salas,
  • Runner-Up: Francisco Javier Rodriguez Salas,
  • Runner-Up: Francisco Javier Rodriguez Salas,


Paweł Danielak, bartek Brutza & Marceli Sobański,
  • Runner-Up: Paweł Danielak, bartek Brutza & Marceli Sobański,
  • Runner-Up: Paweł Danielak, bartek Brutza & Marceli Sobański,

Honorable Mention

Emilia Dzięgelewska & Alicja Maculewicz,
  • Honorable Mention: Emilia Dzięgelewska & Alicja Maculewicz,
  • Honorable Mention: Emilia Dzięgelewska & Alicja Maculewicz,

Honorable Mention

Kamil Ziółkowski,
  • Honorable Mention: Kamil Ziółkowski,
  • Honorable Mention: Kamil Ziółkowski,

Honorable Mention

Kristiyan Woźniak, Ola Milanowska & Kinga Murawska,
  • Honorable Mention: Kristiyan Woźniak, Ola Milanowska & Kinga Murawska,
  • Honorable Mention: Kristiyan Woźniak, Ola Milanowska & Kinga Murawska,

Honorable Mention

Adrian Molitor & Pierre Brillard,
  • Honorable Mention: Adrian Molitor & Pierre Brillard,
  • Honorable Mention: Adrian Molitor & Pierre Brillard,

Honorable Mention

Eve C.,
  • Honorable Mention: Eve C.,
  • Honorable Mention: Eve C.,

Honorable Mention

Temofey Kuzmenko,
  • Honorable Mention: Temofey Kuzmenko,
  • Honorable Mention: Temofey Kuzmenko,

Honorable Mention

Dho Breuer,
  • Honorable Mention: Dho Breuer,
  • Honorable Mention: Dho Breuer,

People’s choice

Majid Aghazadeh,
  • People’s choice: Majid Aghazadeh,
  • People’s choice: Majid Aghazadeh,

People’s choice

Harsh Khodiar, Shailin Dayani & Shubham Jangid,
  • People’s choice: Harsh Khodiar, Shailin Dayani & Shubham Jangid,
  • People’s choice: Harsh Khodiar, Shailin Dayani & Shubham Jangid,

Institutional Excellence Award

Amany Attia & Mina Mohsen,
  • Institutional Excellence Award: Amany Attia & Mina Mohsen,
  • Institutional Excellence Award: Amany Attia & Mina Mohsen,
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Civilizations were made when humans were able to mobilize large distances. Fast-forwarding this to the current era, where science and technology have spread immensely, mobility and transportation is now easier than ever. The places we live in are becoming larger in scale every day and to mobilize people, transportation had to evolve with it.

Cities began to be reshaped more harshly to serve the growing need of vehicles; urban planning of cities was dominated by transport centric designs. Consequently, leaving no space for the pedestrians and cyclists, where human activities took place majorly, at a much slower pace.

On the contrary, some places that did not want cars to define their city streets and brought a permanent change.

Brief: The challenge here is to design a bridge for pedestrian and cycling that is not limited in its absolute function. It must utilize the bridge as a powerful public space as well as a pioneer for tourists or first-time cyclists to explore the city.

A bridge that usually serves a single purpose of cutting the travel time between two destinations can be explored for more. In urban areas that are already condensed with built structures, a functional bridge can be a turning point in shaping architectural experiments.


Zivilisationen wurden geschaffen, als Menschen große Entfernungen mobilisieren konnten. Wenn Sie dies auf die aktuelle Zeit vorantreiben, in der sich Wissenschaft und Technologie immens verbreitet haben, sind Mobilität und Transport jetzt einfacher als je zuvor. Die Orte, an denen wir leben, werden von Tag zu Tag größer und um Menschen zu mobilisieren, musste sich der Transport weiterentwickeln.

Die Städte wurden härter umgestaltet, um dem wachsenden Bedarf an Fahrzeugen gerecht zu werden. Die Stadtplanung der Städte wurde von verkehrsorientierten Entwürfen dominiert. Infolgedessen bleibt kein Platz für Fußgänger und Radfahrer, in denen menschliche Aktivitäten hauptsächlich in einem viel langsameren Tempo stattfanden.

Im Gegenteil, einige Orte, die nicht wollten, dass Autos ihre Stadtstraßen definieren, brachten eine dauerhafte Veränderung mit sich.

Kurz: Die Herausforderung besteht darin, eine Brücke für Fußgänger und Radfahrer zu entwerfen, die in ihrer absoluten Funktion nicht eingeschränkt ist. Sie muss die Brücke als leistungsstarken öffentlichen Raum sowie als Pionier für Touristen oder erstmalige Radfahrer nutzen, um die Stadt zu erkunden.

Eine Brücke, die normalerweise nur dazu dient, die Reisezeit zwischen zwei Zielen zu verkürzen, kann für weitere Erkundungen untersucht werden. In städtischen Gebieten, die bereits mit gebauten Strukturen verdichtet sind, kann eine funktionale Brücke ein Wendepunkt bei der Gestaltung architektonischer Experimente sein.

Evren Başbuğ Founding Partner, Studio Evren Başbuğ, Turkey
Xavier Font Director, Alfa Polaris, Spain
Chloe Natanel Brunner Partner, Preliminary Research Office, China
Silvia Rizzo Architect/Founding Partner, LD+SR architetti, Italy
Miguel Rosales President, Rosales + Partners, United States
The City Link – Discovering a Public Space on a Cycling Bridge

UNI, UNIEGIS NETWORK Private Limited, New Delhi

Civilizations were made when humans were able to mobilize large distances. Fast-forwarding this to the current era, where science and technology have spread immensely, mobility and transportation is now easier than ever. The places we live in are becoming larger in scale every day and to mobilize people, transportation had to evolve with it.

Cities began to be reshaped more harshly to serve the growing need of vehicles; urban planning of cities was dominated by transport centric designs. Consequently, leaving no space for the pedestrians and cyclists, where human activities took place majorly, at a much slower pace.

On the contrary, some places that did not want cars to define their city streets and brought a permanent change.

Brief: The challenge here is to design a bridge for pedestrian and cycling that is not limited in its absolute function. It must utilize the bridge as a powerful public space as well as a pioneer for tourists or first-time cyclists to explore the city.

A bridge that usually serves a single purpose of cutting the travel time between two destinations can be explored for more. In urban areas that are already condensed with built structures, a functional bridge can be a turning point in shaping architectural experiments.

Competition Type
Open ideas competition

Admission Area

Minimum eligible age for participation is 18 years.
There is no restriction to the degree or design disciplines to participate in the challenge.
Participation in the competition can happen in a team as well as an individual.
Maximum numbers of participants in a team are 4.
The challenge is open worldwide for anyone to participate.

Registration ends: January 29, 2020
Submission ends: February 08, 2020
Shortlist entries announced: February 18, 2020
Jury evaluation: February 18 – March 10, 2020
Public voting ends: March 10, 2020
Results announcement: March 20, 2020

More information and documents at

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