Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
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Liu Shutong · Jiang Yifan · Pang Juzheng, Chengdu, China
  • Gewinner: Liu Shutong · Jiang Yifan · Pang Juzheng, Chengdu, China
  • Gewinner: Liu Shutong · Jiang Yifan · Pang Juzheng, Chengdu, China

1. Runner Up

Jiayu Su · Kewei Xu, Chengdu / Wenzhou, China
  • 1. Runner Up: Jiayu Su · Kewei Xu, Chengdu / Wenzhou, China
  • 1. Runner Up: Jiayu Su · Kewei Xu, Chengdu / Wenzhou, China

2. Runner Up

He Minghao · Yang Binru, China
  • 2. Runner Up: He Minghao · Yang Binru, China
  • 2. Runner Up: He Minghao · Yang Binru, China

Lobende Erwähnung

Chee kin Looi, Singapore
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Chee kin Looi, Singapore
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Chee kin Looi, Singapore

Lobende Erwähnung

Myeong Lee · Taeyun Kim · Soyeon An, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Myeong Lee · Taeyun Kim · Soyeon An, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Myeong Lee · Taeyun Kim · Soyeon An, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Lobende Erwähnung

Dhanya Gurunathan · Devansh Bansal, Chennai / Delhi
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Dhanya Gurunathan · Devansh Bansal, Chennai / Delhi
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Dhanya Gurunathan · Devansh Bansal, Chennai / Delhi

Lobende Erwähnung

Nadezhda Gromoba · Serofim Shilnikov · Lilia Shakerova, Moscow, Russia
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Nadezhda Gromoba · Serofim Shilnikov · Lilia Shakerova, Moscow, Russia
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Nadezhda Gromoba · Serofim Shilnikov · Lilia Shakerova, Moscow, Russia

Lobende Erwähnung

Shruti Bansal, Gurgaon, India
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Shruti Bansal, Gurgaon, India
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Shruti Bansal, Gurgaon, India

Lobende Erwähnung

Tianxiang Wu, Zibo, China
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Tianxiang Wu, Zibo, China
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Tianxiang Wu, Zibo, China

Lobende Erwähnung

Zhiyong Dong, Guangzhou, China
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Zhiyong Dong, Guangzhou, China
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Zhiyong Dong, Guangzhou, China

Lobende Erwähnung

Hala El Mokhtari, Rabat, Morocco
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Hala El Mokhtari, Rabat, Morocco
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Hala El Mokhtari, Rabat, Morocco

Lobende Erwähnung

Theodorus Ananda Budi Pradana, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Theodorus Ananda Budi Pradana, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Theodorus Ananda Budi Pradana, Semarang, Indonesia

Lobende Erwähnung

Pranjal Singh · Thota Sameeksha, Agra / Haldia, India
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Pranjal Singh · Thota Sameeksha, Agra / Haldia, India
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Pranjal Singh · Thota Sameeksha, Agra / Haldia, India
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Als Architekten und Designer werden wir immer wieder aufgefordert, Orte zu gestalten, die in jeder Hinsicht zum Menschen passen. Wir werden gebeten, Räume zu gestalten, die für den Menschen interaktiv sind und die seinem Bewusstsein am besten entsprechen. Aber kann man einen Raum entwerfen, der die Sinne des Menschen herausfordert und ihn dazu bringt, zu überdenken, wo er ist und was er tut?

Genau darum geht es bei diesem Wettbewerb.

THE LABYRINTH ist ein architektonisches Labyrinth. Ist architektonisches Labyrinth überhaupt ein Wort? Wir wissen es nicht und es ist uns egal. Was meinen wir dann damit!?
Sagen wir, es ist ein Gebäude, das wie ein Labyrinth gebaut ist, mit einem Anfangspunkt und einem Endpunkt. Mit vielen Sackgassen, schwierigen Entscheidungen und verschiedenen Öffnungen, aber nur einem Weg zum Ausgang.

Entwerfen Sie ein Labyrinth in einem Gebäude, in dem die Leute Spaß haben sollen. Sie können alle Arten von architektonischen Elementen wie Türen, Fenster, Treppen, Rutschen und dergleichen verwenden. Es kann dunkle Zonen, Spiegelzonen, gruselige Zonen und was immer Ihnen in den Sinn kommt, geben.

Competition assignment
Being architects and designers, we are always asked to design places that suit humans in every way possible. We are asked to make spaces that are human interactive and those that suit their consciousness the best. But can you design a space that challenges the person‘s senses and makes him reconsider where he is and what is he doing?

This competition is all about that.

THE LABYRINTH is an architectural maze. Is architectural maze even a word!? We don’t know and we don’t care. Then what do we mean by that!?
Let’s say, it is a building built like a maze with a starting point and an ending point. With a lot of dead ends, difficult choices and various openings, but only one path to exit.

Design a maze in a building for people to have fun in. You can use all kinds of architectural elements like doors, windows, stairs, slides and what not. There can be dark zones, mirror zones, scary zones and whatever comes to your mind.

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

Being architects and designers, we are always asked to design places that suit humans in every way possible. We are asked to make spaces that are human interactive and those that suit their consciousness the best. But can you design a space that challenges the person‘s senses and makes him reconsider where he is and what is he doing?

This competition is all about that.

THE LABYRINTH is an architectural maze. Is architectural maze even a word!? We don’t know and we don’t care.
Then what do we mean by that!?
Let’s say, it is a building built like a maze with a starting point and an ending point. With a lot of dead ends, difficult choices and various openings, but only one path to exit.

Design a maze in a building for people to have fun in. You can use all kinds of architectural elements like doors, windows, stairs, slides and what not. There can be dark zones, mirror zones, scary zones and whatever comes to your mind.

1. The starting and ending point of the maze should be on ground floor only.
2. Architectural elements should be majorly used.
3. It should look like a regular building from outside.
4. There will be ticketed entries for the building and will be used by 3 customers at a time.
5. The building can go upto 12m with ground coverage of 100 sqm maximum.

So basically, you have to challenge your problem solving mind to design a problem creating design.

1 A2 (landscape) composed with (at least):

1 plan
1 section
1 view
Design explanation (not more than 150 words).
Path from entry to exit through the maze.
Sheet code mentioned in top right corner
Submission must not include your Name, School or Organization which gives away your identity.
All dimensions should be imperial or in metric units.

Extend to which architectural elements are used.
Creativity in making the paths of the maze.
Sheet presentation skills

Early-bird Registration: Indian National - 350 INR / Foreign National - 7 USD
Standard Registration: Indian National - 420 INR / Foreign National - 10 USD
Late Registration: Indian National - 540 INR / Foreign National - 15 USD

NOTE: A team can have upto 3 members

Registration deadline: 30th January 2021
Submission deadline: 10th February 2021
Result announcement: 15th February 2021

The following dates can be a subject of modification, if necessary.

Submit in .jpeg format of file size not more than 5mb.
Submit your entry at: hello@arch8.in
Subject of the mail: Your UCI (XXXXX)
Name of the file uploaded: Your UCI (XXXXX)

Winner: Cash prize of INR 7500 + Acknowledgement on our website and social media + publication of the participants’ interview (Video) on website + 40% discount on your next architecture competition + certificate of achievement

1st Runner-up: Cash prize of INR 4500 + Acknowledgement on our website + publication of the participants’ interview (Video) on website + 30% discount on our next architecture competition + certificate of achievement

2nd Runner-up: Cash prize of INR 3000 + Acknowledgement on our website + publication of the participants’ interview (Video) on website + 20% discount on our next architecture competition + certificate of achievement

10 Honorable mentions: Acknowledgement on our website + 10% discount on our next architecture competition + certificate of achievement

Participation certificate for all the participants.

1. What is the nature of the competition?
‚THE LABYRINTH‘ is an open idea design competition challenge which is open for students, professionals & for any individual with a creative mind.

2. Who can participate in the competition?
Architecture students, Architects, Interior Designer, Civil engineers & anyone with creativity can participate in the competition.

3. How many members can be a part of a team?
A team can have a maximum of 3 members. You can also participate individually.

4. Will every participant get a certificate of participation?
Yes, each registered participant will receive an e-certificate.

5. What should be done in case a payment mode is not available in a particular country?
In such case we request the participants to write about the issue at hello@arch8.in
to get other payment options. We will send all possible payment methods.

6. How will a team get its Unique Identification Code?
The Unique Identification Code ( UIC ) will be mailed on your registered e-mail address within 24 hrs after completing the registration process. There is only one UIC code for all the team members of a team.

7. What is the use of Unique Identification Code?
All the participants are requested to use their UIC at the top right corner of your submission as it is your identity for the competition related processes.

8. What to do if a participant does not receive the UIC after making payment?
In such cases the participants are asked to mail their payment receipt hello@arch8.in.

9. Does the 150 word limit include legends & one-liners in the sheet?
No, the 150 word limit is for the proposal explanation only and it does not include the legends & one-liners on the sheet.


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