Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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The Last Genocide Memorial , Brampton/ Kanada

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
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Buildner Architecture Competitions, Singapore

Wie viele Buchstaben hat "wa"?

1. Preis

Projekt: Wounded Earth Healing Time
Peter Vatkov, USA

2. Preis

Sizhe Wang · Changqing Ye · Xinyu Zhu, China

3. Preis + BB Green Award

Projekt: Integrity
Georgy Fedulov, Russland

BB Student Award

Hamid Khalili · Mohammad Mobin Mahdizadeh Kaffash,
Azad Sama University of Tehran Shariati Branch, Iran

Clients Favorite

Projekt: Lotus - The Last Genocide Memorial
Berina Ramic, Bosnien und Herzegowina
Offener Wettbewerb

Die Zahl der Opfer von Völkermord im 20. Jahrhundert erreichte ihren Höhepunkt während des Zweiten Weltkriegs, und der Holocaust ist nach wie vor einer der dunkelsten Momente der Menschheitsgeschichte. Seitdem ist die Zahl der durch Völkermord getöteten Menschen drastisch zurückgegangen, aber die Zahl der Gemeinschaften, die aufgrund ihrer ethnischen Zugehörigkeit, ihrer Religion oder ihrer politischen Überzeugungen verfolgt werden, ist relativ konstant geblieben.

Als die Vereinten Nationen zum ersten Mal nach dem Krieg zusammentraten, bekräftigten sie, dass das Verbrechen des Völkermords „eine Verweigerung des Existenzrechts ganzer menschlicher Gruppen ist, so wie Mord eine Verweigerung des Rechts auf Leben einzelner Menschen ist“.

Seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs ist es leider immer wieder zu Völkermorden gekommen, so bei der Kommunisierung Osteuropas, der chinesischen Landreform und der chinesischen Kollektivierung sowie bei Völkermorden in Pakistan, Kambodscha, Ruanda und Sri Lanka.

Im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs The Last Genocide Memorial (Das letzte Völkermorddenkmal) rufen wir zur Einreichung von Vorschlägen für ein Denkmal auf, das alle Opfer von Völkermorden in der Geschichte gedenkt. Die Herausforderung für die Teilnehmer besteht darin, die Architektur als ein Instrument zu erforschen, das dazu beitragen kann, diese Tragödien verschiedenen Gruppen von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zu vermitteln. Die Gedenkstätte muss die Besucher über die Ursachen dieser schrecklichen Ereignisse, ihre Auswirkungen auf die breiteren Bevölkerungsschichten und ihre Auswirkungen bis heute aufklären, und zwar auf eine sensible Art und Weise, die den vielen Menschen, die während der Völkermorde ihr Leben verloren haben, Respekt zollt.

Der Wettbewerb Last Genocide Memorial wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt Brampton Kanada, der Brampton Tamil Association (BTA) und der Brampton Tamil Seniors Association (BTSA) durchgeführt. Sie fordern derzeit eine gesetzliche Regelung zur Anerkennung der Gräueltaten während des Bürgerkriegs in Sri Lanka, bei dem Tausende von Zivilisten ihr Leben verloren.

Die siegreichen Entwürfe des Wettbewerbs für das letzte Völkermorddenkmal werden zum Bau eingereicht. Daher müssen die praktischen Gegebenheiten des vorgeschlagenen Standorts, der einen Durchmesser von 3,7 Metern und eine Höhe von 5,5 Metern hat, sorgfältig geprüft werden.

Competition assignment
The number of deaths caused by genocide during the 20th Century was at its peak during World War II, and the Holocaust remains one of the darkest moments in human history. Since then, the number of people killed in genocides has drastically decreased, but the number of communities still targeted specifically for their ethnicity, religion or political beliefs has remained fairly consistent.

When the United Nations was first assembled after the end of the war, it affirmed the crime of genocide as being “a denial of the right of existence of entire human groups, as homicide is the denial of the right to live of individual human beings.”

Unfortunately, since World War II ended, genocides have still occurred, during the communization of Eastern Europe, China’s land reform and Chinese collectivization, as well as the genocides that have taken place in Pakistan, Cambodia, Rwanda and Sri Lanka.

For The Last Genocide Memorial competition, we are calling for submissions for a memorial that honours all the victims of genocides throughout history. Participants are tasked with exploring architecture as a tool that can help to communicate these tragedies to different groups of people around the world. The memorial needs to educate visitors of the causes of these terrible events, the impact on the wider communities, how they’re still affected to this day, and do so in a sensitive way that shows respect to the many individuals who lost their lives during genocides.

The Last Genocide Memorial competition is being run in partnership with the City of Brampton Canada, Brampton Tamil Association (BTA) and Brampton Tamil Seniors Association (BTSA). They’re currently calling for legislation to recognise the atrocities that took place in the Sri Lankan Civil War, in which thousands of civilians lost their lives.

Winning designs of the Last Genocide Memorial competition will be put forward for consideration for construction, and so practical aspects will need to be carefully considered for a proposed site with a 3.7 meter diameter and 5.5 meter height.

Kerem Cengiz, Managing Director at LWK + PARTNERS
Bartosz Haduch, an architect, academic teacher, and publicist, who runs run the interdisciplinary collective NArchitekTURA, which combines urban planning with architecture, landscaping and design whose portfolio includes the Great Synagogue Memorial Park in Oswiecim
Kyle Schumann, cofounder of After Architecture and Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia, whose work explores how democratized and accessible technologies can empower designers to utilize nontraditional and irregular natural materials
David Telerman, founder of studio Atelier David Telerman. A studio working on various scales with a constant set of preoccupations with geometry, volume, light and the strong belief that each project should express and reveal the inherent truth of the place it occupies
Joseph Weishaar, AIA a project architect at Smith Dalia Architects, who in 2016 was selected through an international competition submission as the official Designer of Record for the National World War I Memorial in Washington, DC
Françoise N’Thépé runs Paris-based practice FRANÇOISE N’THÉPÉ ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

International Architecture Competition
The Last Genocide Memorial
Bee Breeders
Architecture Competition Organisers
in Partnership with:
City of Brampton
Brampton Tamil Association
Brampton Tamil Seniors Association
About the Competition
The number of deaths caused by genocide during the 20th Century was at its peak during World War II, and the Holocaust remains one of the darkest moments in human history. Since then, the number of people killed in genocides has drastically decreased, but the number of communities still targeted specifically for their ethnicity, religion or political beliefs has remained fairly consistent.
When the United Nations was first assembled after the end of the war, it affirmed the crime of genocide as being “a denial of the right of existence of entire human groups, as homicide is the denial of the right to live of individual human beings.”
Unfortunately, since World War II ended, genocides have still occurred, during the communization of Eastern Europe, China’s land reform and Chinese collectivization, as well as the genocides that have taken place in Pakistan, Cambodia, Rwanda and Sri Lanka.
For The Last Genocide Memorial competition, we are calling for submissions for a memorial that honours all the victims of genocides throughout history. Participants are tasked with exploring architecture as a tool that can help to communicate these tragedies to different groups of people around the world. The memorial needs to educate visitors of the causes of these terrible events, the impact on the wider communities, how they’re still affected to this day, and do so in a sensitive way that shows respect to the many individuals who lost their lives during genocides.
The Last Genocide Memorial competition is being run in partnership with the City of Brampton Canada, Brampton Tamil Association (BTA) and Brampton Tamil Seniors Association (BTSA). They’re currently calling for legislation to recognise the atrocities that took place in the Sri Lankan Civil War, in which thousands of civilians lost their lives.
Winning designs of the Last Genocide Memorial competition will be put forward for consideration for construction, and so practical aspects will need to be carefully considered for a proposed site with a 3.7 meter diameter and 5.5 meter height.
Competition Type
Open Competition
Admission Area
Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required. 
Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum). 
Correspondence with organizers must be conducted in English; 
All information submitted by participants must be in English.
Closing date for registration: 12 November 2021
Competition Q&A deadline: 18 November 2021
Closing date for project submission: 16 December 2021(11:59pm GMT+0)
Announcement of the winners: 25 February 2022
Total Prize Fund: 10,000 € + Construction
1st Prize: 5,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
2nd Prize: 2,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
3rd prize: 1,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
Clients‘ Favourite Award: 1,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
ARCHHIVE Student Award: 500 € + 50 € ARCHHIVE BOOKS Gift Card + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BB Green Award: 500 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
+ 6 Honorable Mentions
More information and documents at

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