Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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The SkyRise 2022 International Architecture Competition , New York/ Vereinigte Staaten

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen, Designer*innen, Student*innen etc.

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Projekt: SKY RIG
Avoid Obvious Architects

3. Preis

Duc Chu

Lobende Erwähnung

Hafez Ahmad · Hamzeh Al-Thweib · Mohaymen Moradi

Student Award

Xinyi Liu
Offener Wettbewerb

Seit Anbeginn der Zeit sind die Menschen von der Schwerkraft trotzenden Megastrukturen fasziniert, die den Himmel beherrschen und ein Zeichen für künftige Zivilisationen hinterlassen haben. Vom Burj Khalifa bis zum Empire State Building wurden Wolkenkratzer zu Recht als eine Strategie zur Entwicklung nachhaltigerer Städte betrachtet, indem sie kompakte urbane Räume betonten.
Die Rolle eines modernen Wolkenkratzers wurde mit zahlreichen Funktionen für seine Nutzer und der Einführung neuer innovativer Technologien überlagert, die das Gebäude sicherer, energieeffizienter und umweltfreundlicher machen und gleichzeitig neue und aufregende Formen annehmen.
Damit bietet sich uns heute die Gelegenheit, Wolkenkratzer in ihrer Beziehung zu ihrem Kontext, ihrer Gemeinschaft und ihrem städtischen Gefüge neu zu erfinden. IMPACT Competitions lädt Teilnehmer ein, ein innovatives und ikonisches Hochhaus zu entwerfen, das sich als Wahrzeichen in seiner Umgebung etabliert.

Die Teilnehmer sollen ein Hochhaus auf einer Grundstücksfläche von 12.000 m² entwerfen, wobei es keine Höhenbegrenzung gibt. Die Teilnehmer werden ermutigt, neue Technologien und Baumaterialien zu erforschen, die in ihre Entwürfe integriert werden können. Die vorgeschlagenen Entwürfe sollten eine einzigartige Ästhetik und eine gut durchdachte räumliche Organisation aufweisen. Die Teilnehmer sollen berücksichtigen, wie sich der Entwurf auf seinen Kontext auswirkt, sowie die gesamte Raumplanung für die Nutzer, die Umwelt und die Zersiedelung der Landschaft.
Die Teilnehmer sind frei, das Programm für das Gebäude festzulegen. Der vorgeschlagene Wolkenkratzer muss für die Stadt, in der er steht, einen Mehrwert darstellen. Die Teilnehmer können ihre Entwürfe mit der umgebenden Infrastruktur, der sozioökonomischen Entwicklung usw. begründen, um den Komfort der Bewohner des Gebäudes zu erhöhen.

Competition assignment
Since the beginning of time Humans have been fascinated with gravity-defying megastructures that have dominated the skies leaving a mark for civilizations to come. From the Burj Khalifa to the Empire State building, skyscrapers have been rightly viewed as a strategy to engineer more sustainable cities by emphasizing compact urban spaces.
The role of a modern-day skyscraper has been layered with multiple functions for its users along with the implementation of new innovative technologies to make the building safer, increased energy efficiency, greener, and at the same time with them take on new and exciting shapes.
With this, we have been presented the opportunity today to reinvent the skyscrapers in the relation to their context, community, and urban fabric. IMPACT Competitions invites participants to design an innovative and iconic skyscraper structure that has the impact of establishing itself as a landmark in its surroundings.

Participants are to design a skyscraper building on a plot area of 12,000 sq. mt, with no limitation to height. Participants are encouraged to explore new technologies and building materials that can be incorporated into their designs. The proposed designs should exhibit unique aesthetics and a well-planned spatial organization. The participants are to consider, how the design will impact its context, as well as the overall spatial planning for the users, environment, and urban sprawl.
Participants are free to set the program for the building. The skyscraper proposed must add value to the city in which it stands. With the notion to enhance the comfort of the individuals occupying the structure, participants can justify their designs concerning the surrounding infrastructure, socio-economic development, etc.
Early Bird Registration : 20th May 2022 to 26th August 2022
Standard Registration: 27th August 2022to 29th September 2022
Late Registration: 30th September 2022 to 14th October 2022
Last Day for Queries: 12th October 2022
Submission: 19th October 2022
Winners Announcement: 15th December 2022
Since the beginning of time Humans have been fascinated with gravity-defying megastructures that have dominated the skies leaving a mark for civilizations to come. From the Burj Khalifa to the Empire State building, skyscrapers have been rightly viewed as a strategy to engineer more sustainable cities by emphasizing compact urban spaces.
The role of a modern-day skyscraper has been layered with multiple functions for its users along with the implementation of new innovative technologies to make the building safer, increased energy efficiency, greener, and at the same time with them take on new and exciting shapes.
With this, we have been presented the opportunity today to reinvent the skyscrapers in the relation to their context, community, and urban fabric. IMPACT Competitions invites participants to design an innovative and iconic skyscraper structure that has the impact of establishing itself as a landmark in its surroundings. 
Participants are to design a skyscraper building on a plot area of 12,000 sq. mt, with no limitation to height. Participants are encouraged to explore new technologies and building materials that can be incorporated into their designs. The proposed designs should exhibit unique aesthetics and a well-planned spatial organization. The participants are to consider, how the design will impact its context, as well as the overall spatial planning for the users, environment, and urban sprawl.
Participants are free to set the program for the building. The skyscraper proposed must add value to the city in which it stands. With the notion to enhance the comfort of the individuals occupying the structure, participants can justify their designs concerning the surrounding infrastructure, socio-economic development, etc.
Prizes of total USD 10000, broken as follows. 
1st prize USD 5000 + Certificate + Publication 
2nd prize USD 2500 + Certificate + Publication 
3rd prize USD 1500 + Certificate + Publication 
1 Special Mention USD 500 + Certificate + Publication 
1 Best Student Award USD 500 + Certificate + Publication
10 Honourable mentions: Certificates   
Winners and Honourable Mentions will be published on Impact Competitions website and several international architecture and design magazines.   
To show our appreciation, all the participants would receive participation certificate.
Early Bird Registration: 20th May 2022 – 14th July 2022 
Standard Registration: 15 July 2022 – 18th August 2022 
Late Registration: 19th August 2022- 29th August 2022
Last Day for Queries: 27th August 2022 
Closing Date for Submission: 30th August 2022 
Announcement of Winners: 3rd November 2022 
Registration Fee
Early Bird: 
Students: USD 70 +18%TAX = USD 82.6  
Professionals: USD 80 +18%TAX= USD 94.4 
Promo Code: 
Students:  USD 82.6 -15% = USD 70.21 
Professionals: USD 94.4-15%= USD 80.24 
Standard Registrations: 
Students: USD 85 +18%TAX= USD 100.3 
Professionals: USD 95 +18%TAX=USD 112.1 
Late Registrations: Students: USD 100 +18%TAX= USD 118 
Professionals: USD 110 +18%TAX=USD 129.8 
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