Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • 1. Preis: Urbania, first act | © Alexia Moulin, Frankreich
  • 2. Preis: Rejuvenation of Cooum River Bank, Chennai with a proposal of Tiny forests | © Abinaya.G · Divya Kamatchi.S · Haridharani.J.B, Indien
  • 3. Preis: Vengai Vanam | © Shebi S · Sowmiya M · Priyan D · Xavier M, Indien
  • Honourable Mention: Gangnam Style | © Changhyun Kang · Kim Boseong, Südkorea
  • Honourable Mention: From Grey to Green | © Haoyi Wushan, Hong Kong
  • Honourable Mention: Nisarg Vatika | © Hetika Vani · Rucha Pagare, Indien


Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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1. Preis

Urbania, first act
Alexia Moulin, Frankreich
  • 1. Preis: Urbania, first act | © Alexia Moulin, Frankreich
  • 1. Preis: Urbania, first act | © Alexia Moulin, Frankreich
  • 1. Preis: Urbania, first act | © Alexia Moulin, Frankreich
  • 1. Preis: Urbania, first act | © Alexia Moulin, Frankreich
  • 1. Preis: Urbania, first act | © Alexia Moulin, Frankreich
  • 1. Preis: Urbania, first act | © Alexia Moulin, Frankreich
  • 1. Preis: Urbania, first act | © Alexia Moulin, Frankreich
  • 1. Preis: Urbania, first act | © Alexia Moulin, Frankreich
  • 1. Preis: Urbania, first act | © Alexia Moulin, Frankreich
  • 1. Preis: Urbania, first act | © Alexia Moulin, Frankreich

2. Preis

Rejuvenation of Cooum River Bank, Chennai with a proposal of Tiny forests
Abinaya.G · Divya Kamatchi.S · Haridharani.J.B, Indien
  • 2. Preis: Rejuvenation of Cooum River Bank, Chennai with a proposal of Tiny forests | © Abinaya.G · Divya Kamatchi.S · Haridharani.J.B, Indien
  • 2. Preis: Rejuvenation of Cooum River Bank, Chennai with a proposal of Tiny forests | © Abinaya.G · Divya Kamatchi.S · Haridharani.J.B, Indien
  • 2. Preis: Rejuvenation of Cooum River Bank, Chennai with a proposal of Tiny forests | © Abinaya.G · Divya Kamatchi.S · Haridharani.J.B, Indien
  • 2. Preis: Rejuvenation of Cooum River Bank, Chennai with a proposal of Tiny forests | © Abinaya.G · Divya Kamatchi.S · Haridharani.J.B, Indien
  • 2. Preis: Rejuvenation of Cooum River Bank, Chennai with a proposal of Tiny forests | © Abinaya.G · Divya Kamatchi.S · Haridharani.J.B, Indien
  • 2. Preis: Rejuvenation of Cooum River Bank, Chennai with a proposal of Tiny forests | © Abinaya.G · Divya Kamatchi.S · Haridharani.J.B, Indien
  • 2. Preis: Rejuvenation of Cooum River Bank, Chennai with a proposal of Tiny forests | © Abinaya.G · Divya Kamatchi.S · Haridharani.J.B, Indien
  • 2. Preis: Rejuvenation of Cooum River Bank, Chennai with a proposal of Tiny forests | © Abinaya.G · Divya Kamatchi.S · Haridharani.J.B, Indien
  • 2. Preis: Rejuvenation of Cooum River Bank, Chennai with a proposal of Tiny forests | © Abinaya.G · Divya Kamatchi.S · Haridharani.J.B, Indien
  • 2. Preis: Rejuvenation of Cooum River Bank, Chennai with a proposal of Tiny forests | © Abinaya.G · Divya Kamatchi.S · Haridharani.J.B, Indien

3. Preis

Vengai Vanam
Shebi S · Sowmiya M · Priyan D · Xavier M, Indien
  • 3. Preis: Vengai Vanam | © Shebi S · Sowmiya M · Priyan D · Xavier M, Indien
  • 3. Preis: Vengai Vanam | © Shebi S · Sowmiya M · Priyan D · Xavier M, Indien
  • 3. Preis: Vengai Vanam | © Shebi S · Sowmiya M · Priyan D · Xavier M, Indien
  • 3. Preis: Vengai Vanam | © Shebi S · Sowmiya M · Priyan D · Xavier M, Indien
  • 3. Preis: Vengai Vanam | © Shebi S · Sowmiya M · Priyan D · Xavier M, Indien
  • 3. Preis: Vengai Vanam | © Shebi S · Sowmiya M · Priyan D · Xavier M, Indien
  • 3. Preis: Vengai Vanam | © Shebi S · Sowmiya M · Priyan D · Xavier M, Indien
  • 3. Preis: Vengai Vanam | © Shebi S · Sowmiya M · Priyan D · Xavier M, Indien
  • 3. Preis: Vengai Vanam | © Shebi S · Sowmiya M · Priyan D · Xavier M, Indien
  • 3. Preis: Vengai Vanam | © Shebi S · Sowmiya M · Priyan D · Xavier M, Indien

Honourable Mention

Gangnam Style
Changhyun Kang · Kim Boseong, Südkorea
  • Honourable Mention: Gangnam Style | © Changhyun Kang · Kim Boseong, Südkorea
  • Honourable Mention: Gangnam Style | © Changhyun Kang · Kim Boseong, Südkorea
  • Honourable Mention: Gangnam Style | © Changhyun Kang · Kim Boseong, Südkorea
  • Honourable Mention: Gangnam Style | © Changhyun Kang · Kim Boseong, Südkorea
  • Honourable Mention: Gangnam Style | © Changhyun Kang · Kim Boseong, Südkorea
  • Honourable Mention: Gangnam Style | © Changhyun Kang · Kim Boseong, Südkorea
  • Honourable Mention: Gangnam Style | © Changhyun Kang · Kim Boseong, Südkorea
  • Honourable Mention: Gangnam Style | © Changhyun Kang · Kim Boseong, Südkorea

Honourable Mention

From Grey to Green
Haoyi Wushan, Hong Kong
  • Honourable Mention: From Grey to Green | © Haoyi Wushan, Hong Kong
  • Honourable Mention: From Grey to Green | © Haoyi Wushan, Hong Kong
  • Honourable Mention: From Grey to Green | © Haoyi Wushan, Hong Kong
  • Honourable Mention: From Grey to Green | © Haoyi Wushan, Hong Kong
  • Honourable Mention: From Grey to Green | © Haoyi Wushan, Hong Kong
  • Honourable Mention: From Grey to Green | © Haoyi Wushan, Hong Kong
  • Honourable Mention: From Grey to Green | © Haoyi Wushan, Hong Kong
  • Honourable Mention: From Grey to Green | © Haoyi Wushan, Hong Kong
  • Honourable Mention: From Grey to Green | © Haoyi Wushan, Hong Kong
  • Honourable Mention: From Grey to Green | © Haoyi Wushan, Hong Kong

Honourable Mention

Nisarg Vatika
Hetika Vani · Rucha Pagare, Indien
  • Honourable Mention: Nisarg Vatika | © Hetika Vani · Rucha Pagare, Indien
  • Honourable Mention: Nisarg Vatika | © Hetika Vani · Rucha Pagare, Indien
  • Honourable Mention: Nisarg Vatika | © Hetika Vani · Rucha Pagare, Indien
  • Honourable Mention: Nisarg Vatika | © Hetika Vani · Rucha Pagare, Indien
  • Honourable Mention: Nisarg Vatika | © Hetika Vani · Rucha Pagare, Indien
  • Honourable Mention: Nisarg Vatika | © Hetika Vani · Rucha Pagare, Indien
  • Honourable Mention: Nisarg Vatika | © Hetika Vani · Rucha Pagare, Indien
  • Honourable Mention: Nisarg Vatika | © Hetika Vani · Rucha Pagare, Indien
  • Honourable Mention: Nisarg Vatika | © Hetika Vani · Rucha Pagare, Indien
  • Honourable Mention: Nisarg Vatika | © Hetika Vani · Rucha Pagare, Indien
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Archiol Competition hat diese erste Ausgabe des Landschaftsgestaltungswettbewerbs organisiert, um die Bedeutung des Waldes für die Menschen in Städten und Gemeinden zu verstehen.

Die menschliche Gesundheit ist unweigerlich mit der Gesundheit des Waldes verknüpft. Der Aufenthalt im Wald wirkt sich nachweislich positiv auf Krankheiten wie psychische Gesundheit, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Diabetes und Atemwegserkrankungen aus. Wälder sind sehr wichtig für das Klima, da sie nach den Ozeanen die größten Kohlenstoffspeicher sind und dazu beitragen können, Mensch und Natur vor den Folgen der globalen Erwärmung zu schützen. Die Natur macht den Menschen gesund und glücklich, aber leider haben wir in unserem zunehmend verstädterten Lebensumfeld immer mehr Grünflächen eingebüßt. Mit der Anpflanzung eines Winzigen Waldes können Sie dazu beitragen, die Natur in unser hektisches Stadtleben zurückzubringen.

Dieser Wettbewerb zielt darauf ab, die Zukunft unseres Planeten zu hinterfragen und zu versuchen, den Fokus vom städtischen Dschungel auf den echten Dschungel zu verlagern, der helfen kann, das Gleichgewicht auf unserem Planeten Erde zu erhalten.
Es geht darum, zu experimentieren und die einfachste Architektur zu schaffen, in der man wohnen kann.

Competition assignment
Archiol Competition has organized this first edition of the Landscape design competition to understand the importance of forest for people living in cities and towns.

Human health is inevitably linked to forest health; time spent in forests has been shown to have a positive benefit on conditions including mental health, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and respiratory concerns Forest are very important for the climate, as forests are the largest storehouses of carbon after the oceans, they can help protect people and nature from the consequences of global warming. Nature makes people healthy and happy, but unfortunately, we have encroached green space in our increasingly urbanised living environment. By planting a Tiny Forest, you can help bring nature back into our busy urban life.

This competition aims to question the future of our planet and an attempt to shift the focus from urban jungle to the real jungle that can help maintain the balance on our planet earth.
To experiment and create most simplistic architecture that one can reside in.

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

APR - JUN 2023
"Landscape is a piece that is emotional and psychological."
– Jim Hodges
Archiol Competition has organized this first edition of the Landscape design competition to understand the importance of forest for people living in cities and towns.
“Our forests offer much more than just beautiful landscapes and wildlife. Each one has a different story to tell.”
– Raveena Tandon
Human health is inevitably linked to forest health; time spent in forests has been shown to have a positive benefit on conditions including mental health, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and respiratory concerns Forest are very important for the climate, as forests are the largest storehouses of carbon after the oceans, they can help protect people and nature from the consequences of global warming. Nature makes people healthy and happy, but unfortunately, we have encroached green space in our increasingly urbanised living environment. By planting a Tiny Forest, you can help bring nature back into our busy urban life.
“As an architect, you design for the present, with an awareness of the past, for a future which is essentially unknown.”
– Norman Foster
This competition aims to question the future of our planet and an attempt to shift the focus from urban jungle to the real jungle that can help maintain the balance on our planet earth. 
To experiment and create most simplistic architecture that one can reside in.
Design a tiny forest in the urban jungle. Please read the pointers mentioned below to understand the design requirements:
• Identify suitable sites in urban locations, where nature is most needed. 
• Design a forest landscape on the selected urban location. (Plans / sections – with reasoning)
• Determine the Size of the System by Choosing the Right Canopy Trees
“For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
● This competition is open to all.
● You can participate individually or as a team (Maximum 4 members in a team)
Submission Requirements:
Design sheets (2 -5) – jpeg. / jpg. format. (30x30 cm)
● Design description with a title  (Min. 300 words) – docx. / docs. Format
Registration deadline: 31 July 2023
• AR1: APR 3 – APR 10 – Int: $25 / Ind:₹500
• AR2: APR 11 – APR 20 – Int: $27 / Ind:₹800
• AR3: APR 21 – APR30 – Int: $32 / Ind:₹900
• SR1: MAY 01 – MAY 15 - Int: $37 / Ind:₹1000
• SR2: MAY 16 – MAY 31 – Int: $39 / Ind:₹1500
• SR3: JUN 01 – JUN 15 – Int: $42 / Ind:₹2000
• SR4: JUN 16 – JUN 26 – Int: $47 / Ind:₹2500
• LR1: JUN 27 – JUN 30 – Int: $57 / Ind:₹2600
• LR2: JUL 01 – JUL 15 – Int: $59 / Ind:₹2610
• LR3: JUL 16 – JUL 31 – Int: $60 / Ind:₹2620
Submission Starts: 25th June 2023
Submission Ends: 14 August 2023
Result Announcement: 26 September 2023
All deadlines are 11:59 PM  UTC  (Coordinated Universal Time) 
Winners (X3): Certificate of achievement + Publication + Interview
Honourable mentions (X3): Certificates + Publication 
Shortlisted entries (X10): Certificates 
*All the certificates will be attested and e-format.
Visit our website: www.archiol.org
Click the competition banner-
Doubts / Queries related to the competition: contact@archiol.org

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