Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin , Mangatarata/ Neuseeland

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
Keine Teilnahmebeschränkungen
Bee Breeders Architecture Competition Organisers, Singapore

Wie viele Buchstaben hat "wa"?

1. Preis

Rabie Al-Ashi · Omar Othman, Saudi-Arabien
Projekt: The Nest
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin

2. Preis

Mat Winter, Kanada
Projekt: Meditation House
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin

3. Preis

Lukáš Valenčin · Zuzana Capková, Slowakei
Projekt: Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin

BB Student Award

Seo Hyeon Gyu, INHA Technical College, Südkorea
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin

BB Green Award

Matteo Foresti, Schweden
Projekt: Behind the Curtain
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin

Clients Favorite

Dabeen Kim, INHA Technical College, Südkorea
Projekt: Point of View
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
  • Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin
Offener Wettbewerb

Earth Energies Sanctuary in Neuseeland ist ein Wellness-Retreat, das darauf ausgelegt ist, Körper, Geist und Seele ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Es liegt inmitten einer 200 Hektar großen, atemberaubenden Naturlandschaft, die ideal für Abgeschiedenheit, Entspannung und Naturerlebnisse ist. Das Refugium verfügt über eine abgelegene, private Hütte mit zwei Schlafzimmern, von der aus die Gäste einen spektakulären, ehrfurchtgebietenden 360-Grad-Blick genießen können.

Während ihres Aufenthalts können sich die Gäste absoluter Privatsphäre sicher sein, da die nächste Residenz mehr als 800 Meter von der Hütte entfernt ist. Earth Energies bietet Selbstverpflegung oder vom Koch zubereitete Mahlzeiten sowie Zugang zu Tiefenentspannungstherapien, die helfen, Stress und Ängste abzubauen und alles, was für einen besseren Schlaf notwendig ist.

Die Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin competition ist der erste Architekturwettbewerb, der in Partnerschaft mit Earth Energies New Zealand durchgeführt wird. Die Teilnehmer haben die Aufgabe, Entwürfe für einen Meditationsraum einzureichen, der in einer Buschlichtung vor Ort errichtet werden soll. Der vorgeschlagene Standort liegt etwa 300 Meter bergab vom Hauptwohnsitz und ist nur zu Fuß erreichbar, da es keine festen Straßen gibt.

Die Hütte soll bis zu 4 Gäste plus einen Meditationsführer für 1 bis 2 Stunden am Tag oder am Abend beherbergen können. Dieser Raum soll nicht als Unterkunft dienen und benötigt daher keine anderen Einrichtungen als die, die für die Durchführung einer Meditationssitzung benötigt werden.

Da die siegreichen Entwürfe für die Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin für den Bau in Betracht gezogen werden, ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, dass sie die höchsten Standards der grünen Baupraxis widerspiegeln.

Competition assignment
Earth Energies Sanctuary in New Zealand is a wellness retreat designed to bring about balance of body, mind and soul, set within 200 acres of stunning natural landscape that is ideal for seclusion, relaxation and experiencing nature. The sanctuary features a secluded, private, 2-bedroom cabin where guests can enjoy spectacular, awe-inspiring 360-degree views.

During their stay, guests can be assured of total privacy, as the nearest residence is more than 800 meters away from the cabin. Earth Energies offers self-catered or chef-prepared meals, as well as access to deep relaxation therapies to help release stress and anxiety and everything that is necessary for better sleep.

The Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin competition is the first architecture competition to be run in partnership with Earth Energies New Zealand. Participants are tasked with submitting designs for a meditation space to be constructed in a bush clearing on site. The proposed location sits roughly 300 meters downhill from the main residence with no established roads, therefore it can only be accessed by foot.

The cabin should be able to accommodate up to 4 guests plus a meditation guide for 1 to 2 hours during the day or in the evening. This space is not intended to act as accommodation and therefore does not require any amenities or facilities other than those needed to run a meditation session.

As winning designs for the Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin will be considered for construction, it is vital that they reflect the highest standards of green building practice.

Willem van Bolderen, founding partner of Helsinki-based Studio Puisto Architects Ltd
Pip Cheshire, director of Cheshire Architects, based in Auckland, New Zealand
Jakob Gate, co-founder of architectural studio Native Narrative and mobile sauna company Scandinavian Sauna
Kai Gu, Associate Professor at the School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland
Dr Ferdinand Oswald, architect, researcher and course coordinator of Design Technology courses at the School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland
Jordi Riembau Ribot and Miguel Rusca Mestre, co-founders of Nordest architecture SLP
Michael Romanowicz, founder and CEO of Den Outdoors
Rick Sommerfeld, an architect, Assistant Professor and the director of ColoradoBuildingWorkshop, the design-build program at the University of Colorado, Denver

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin

Bee Breeders
Architecture Competition Organizers

Official Partners:
Earth Energies Sanctuary NZ

The Competition
Earth Energies Sanctuary in New Zealand is a wellness retreat designed to bring about balance of body, mind and soul, set within 200 acres of stunning natural landscape that is ideal for seclusion, relaxation and experiencing nature. The sanctuary features a secluded, private, 2-bedroom cabin where guests can enjoy spectacular, awe-inspiring 360-degree views.

During their stay, guests can be assured of total privacy, as the nearest residence is more than 800 meters away from the cabin. Earth Energies offers self-catered or chef-prepared meals, as well as access to deep relaxation therapies to help release stress and anxiety and everything that is necessary for better sleep.

The Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin competition is the first architecture competition to be run in partnership with Earth Energies New Zealand. Participants are tasked with submitting designs for a meditation space to be constructed in a bush clearing on site. The proposed location sits roughly 300 meters downhill from the main residence with no established roads, therefore it can only be accessed by foot.

The cabin should be able to accommodate up to 4 guests plus a meditation guide for 1 to 2 hours during the day or in the evening. This space is not intended to act as accommodation and therefore does not require any amenities or facilities other than those needed to run a meditation session.

As winning designs for the Tiny Kiwi Meditation Cabin will be considered for construction, it is vital that they reflect the highest standards of green building practice.

Competition Type
Open International Architecture Competition

Admission Area

Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required.
Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).
Correspondence with organizers must be conducted in English;
All information submitted by participants must be in English.

Closing date for registration: 28 April 2021
Closing date for project submission: 02 June 2021 (11:59pm GMT+0)
Announcement of winners: 14 July 2021

Total Prize Fund: 10,000 € + Construction

1st Prize: 5,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
2nd Prize: 2,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
3rd Prize: 1,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement

Earth Energies Sanctuary NZ Favorite: 1,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement

ARCHHIVE Student Award: 500 € + 50 € ARCHHIVE BOOKS Gift Card + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BB Green Award: 500 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement

6 Honorable Mentions: Publications + Certificate of Achievement

Willem van Bolderen, Studio Puisto Architects Ltd
Pip Cheshire, Cheshire Architects
Jakob Gate, Native Narrative
Kai Gu, School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland
Dr Ferdinand Oswald, School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland
Erik Sommerfeld, ColoradoBuildingWorkshop

More information and documents at

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