Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Viewpoint of the Fjords (VOF) Norway , Norwegen

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Offener Wettbewerb
Architekturstudenten und -absolventen
216 Arbeiten

Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

1. Preis

Paulina Peña, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexiko
  • 1. Preis: Paulina Peña, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexiko
  • 1. Preis: Paulina Peña, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexiko

2. Preis

Julieta Derdoy · Matías Fidel Moyano, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentinien
  • 2. Preis: Julieta Derdoy · Matías Fidel Moyano, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentinien
  • 2. Preis: Julieta Derdoy · Matías Fidel Moyano, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentinien

3. Preis

Camilo Álvarez · Felipe Vázquez, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Uruguay
  • 3. Preis: Camilo Álvarez · Felipe Vázquez, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Uruguay
  • 3. Preis: Camilo Álvarez · Felipe Vázquez, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Uruguay

Lobende Erwähnung

Juan Verdaguer · Nicolás Alejandro Giordano · Yasmin Hilen Mayor · Sebastián Alejandro Rodrigo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentinien
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Juan Verdaguer · Nicolás Alejandro Giordano · Yasmin Hilen Mayor · Sebastián Alejandro Rodrigo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentinien
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Juan Verdaguer · Nicolás Alejandro Giordano · Yasmin Hilen Mayor · Sebastián Alejandro Rodrigo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentinien

Lobende Erwähnung

Michail Gatzias, National Technical University of Athens, Griechenland
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Michail Gatzias, National Technical University of Athens, Griechenland
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Michail Gatzias, National Technical University of Athens, Griechenland

Lobende Erwähnung

Ivan Bello · Franklind Jesku, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italien
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Ivan Bello · Franklind Jesku, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italien
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Ivan Bello · Franklind Jesku, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italien

Lobende Erwähnung

Raina Lin · Xinxin Lin, Southern California Institute of Architecture, USA
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Raina Lin · Xinxin Lin, Southern California Institute of Architecture, USA
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Raina Lin · Xinxin Lin, Southern California Institute of Architecture, USA

Lobende Erwähnung

Ann Gutiérrez, Southern California Institute of Architecture, USA
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Ann Gutiérrez, Southern California Institute of Architecture, USA
  • Lobende Erwähnung: Ann Gutiérrez, Southern California Institute of Architecture, USA
Offener Wettbewerb

Das Ziel des Wettbewerbs Viewpoint of the Fjords (VOF) besteht darin, einen Raum für die Kontemplation und Bewunderung der Umgebung vorzuschlagen, der einen Austausch zwischen Landschaft und Betrachter ermöglicht. Ein Raum, in dem die Natur eine zentrale Rolle spielt.

Der VOF will der neue Treffpunkt für Besucher und Natur werden, ein neuer Ort des Verständnisses und ein Informationspunkt für Wanderer. Hier wird die Beobachtung zu einem einzigartigen Sinneserlebnis.


The objective of the competition Viewpoint of the Fjords (VOF), consists in proposing a space for contemplation and admiration of the environment that will produce an exchange between landscape and spectator. A space where nature plays a key role.

VOF aspires to become the new meeting point for visitors and nature, a new place of understanding and an information point for hikers. In here, observation will become a unique sensory experience.
Viewpoint of the Fjords (VOF) Norway

E-mail: competitions@arquideas.net

Questions about this competition can be sent to competitions@arquideas.net

Arquideas will respond to all questions posed during the established period and will publish answers to questions deemed to be of particular interest to all participants in order to improve the comprehension of the project and resolve doubts.

All the documentation needed to take part in the competition can be downloaded from the Arquideas website www.arquideas.net throughout the registration period.

The Competition
Norway is considered one of the most beautiful countries in the world thanks to its rugged nature with snaking glaciers, mountain areas in the interior that resemble natural fortresses, rocky islands that emerge from the sea and waterfalls that emanate a sublime and savage energy.

Other natural wonders such as Aurora Borealis, the Midnight sun, the fjords and the tranquillity found in their national parks, showcase Norway’s virtues.

Norway’s main attraction, speaking in terms of natural beauty, resides in fjords. They form islands, islets and huge areas of land surrounded by water.

Thanks to the warm Gulf Stream and air currents caused by the Coriolis force, the Norwegian fjords enjoy a relatively mild climate and remain virtually ice-free. Different activities can be enjoyed such as hiking, climbing, kayaking, and other ways of moving around. The fjords plunge to more than 1,300 metres under the sea, as it is the case of the Sognefjord. This makes navigation of big cruises possible.

UNESCO has included Norway’s fjords, exemplified by the Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord, in the World Heritage list. Norwegian cities are cosmopolitan and its architecture showcases the famous Scandinavian flair for design.

Objective of the competition
The objective of the present competition for students of architecture and young architects, Viewpoint of the Fjords (VOF), consists in proposing a space for contemplation and admiration of the environment that will produce an exchange between landscape and spectator. A space where nature plays a key role.

Landscape observation is the fundamental purpose of this architectural space. It must appreciate the virtues of the location and experiment new ways of contemplation.

Thanks to its privileged location, this new proposed space will become an international reference point for all visitors of this natural attraction.

VOF aspires to become the new meeting point for visitors and nature, a new place of understanding and an information point for hikers. In here, observation will become a unique sensory experience.

In a country so full of world-famous iconic images, this new space for contemplation must become an architectural reference for Norway.

This competition is open to international undergraduate and graduate students and recent graduates of architecture or related degrees, individually or in teams made up of a maximum of four members.

Recent graduate means a person graduated within two years before the competition launching, this is, all graduated in 2016 or later.

Competition opens: 03 August, 2018
Early registration: 03 August, 2018 - 19 October, 2018
Registration: 20 October, 2018 - 30 November, 2018
Submission deadline: 19 December, 2018
Jury Deliberations: 20 December, 2018 - 31 January, 2019
Jury Decision: 01 February, 2019
Community vote: 04 February, 2019 - 28 February, 2019
Results Announced: 28 February, 2019

– Peter L. Wilson: Founding Partner of Bolles + Wilson
– Atxu Amann: Associate in Aman Cánovas Maruri Architects
– Magüi González: Professor et ETSA Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
– Svein Lund: Founding Partner of Lund Hagem Architects
– Indibil Solans, Daniel Varga, Lara Arín, Lluis Barcells: Winner team of BaBH San Francisco competition

The members of the winner team will vote as a single Jury.

The following prizes will be awarded to proposals that best meet the purpose of the competition:

1st Prize:
3.750 euros + 1 year free subscription to AV Proyectos magazine + 1 year free subscription to WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell magazine + 1 year free subscription to Diseño Interior magazine + Collection from Experimenta publishing + Digital publication in Plataforma Arquitectura + Digital publication in Arquitectura Viva + Publication in WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell + Publication in Diseño Interior.

The winner or members of the winner team will take part of the Jury in the next architecture competition.

2nd Prize:
1.500 euros + 1 year free subscription to AV Proyectos magazine + 1 year free subscription to WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell magazine + 1 year free subscription to Diseño Interior magazine + Collection from Experimenta publishing + Digital publication in Plataforma Arquitectura + Digital publication in Arquitectura Viva + Publication in WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell + Publication in Diseño Interior.

3rd Prize:
625 euros + 1 year free subscription to AV Proyectos magazine + 1 year free subscription to WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell magazine + 1 year free subscription to Diseño Interior magazine + Collection from Experimenta publishing + Digital publication in Plataforma Arquitectura + Digital publication in Arquitectura Viva + Publication in WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell + Publication in Diseño Interior.

Arquideas Special Prize:
The Arquideas Special Prize will be given, awarded with 500 euros, to the proposal with more votes from Arquideas Community users, among winners, honorable mentions and the finalist projects.

Honorable Mentions:
Up to 5 Honorable Mentions will be given to the most interesting proposals in terms of architectural quality, and which have not received any of the first three prizes, and will be awarded with the following prize:

Digital publication in Plataforma Arquitectura + Digital publication in Arquitectura Viva + Digital publication in WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell + Publication in Diseño Interior.

Registration Fees
The registration period falls between August 3, 2018 and November 30, 2018.

Early registration: (from August 3, 2018 to October 19, 2018)
50 € individual registration
75 € team registration (from 2 to 4 members)

Regular registration: (from October 20, 2018 to November 30, 2018)
75 € individual registration
100 € team registration (from 2 to 4 members)

More information and documents at

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