Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • White Hart Street
  • Gewinner Proctor and Matthews Architects | Mansfield

White Hart Street , Mansfield/ Vereinigtes Königreich

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Proctor and Matthews Architects
  • Gewinner Proctor and Matthews Architects | Mansfield
  • Gewinner Proctor and Matthews Architects | Allotment Garden
  • Gewinner Proctor and Matthews Architects | Croft Square
  • Gewinner Proctor and Matthews Architects | Mansfield
  • Gewinner Proctor and Matthews Architects | Allotment Garden
  • Gewinner Proctor and Matthews Architects | Croft Square


Calford Seaden


Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios


Fraser Brown Mackenna


Jestico & Whiles
Nicht offener Wettbewerb

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is pleased to announce the launch of a new design competition following the ‘Competitive Procedure with Negotiation’ on behalf of Mansfield District Council.
The competition is seeking a multi-disciplinary design team to design a sensitive residential scheme in Mansfield Town Centre. The Council is hoping that through a design competition they will secure an exemplar development that will have a significant impact on Mansfield’s town centre.
Mansfield District Council has acquired a strategically significant site in Mansfield’s town centre. The White Hart Street site sits within a conservation area and contains a listed building and non-designated heritage assets. It forms a key part of the Church Street Quarter in the emerging town centre masterplan.
It is the intention of the Council to sensitively redevelop the site for residential purposes. The accommodation will be a mix of elderly person’s apartments and family housing. This development supports the vision and priorities of the Council’s corporate strategy Making Mansfield: Towards 2030.

Once the contract has been awarded, the architects will be working on a detailed design for submission for planning approval subject to the council's approval of a business case for the scheme.
Press release by RIBA | 11 January 2023
Design Competition launched for White Hart Street, Mansfield
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is pleased to announce the launch of a new design competition following the ‘Competitive Procedure with Negotiation’ on behalf of Mansfield District Council. 
The competition is seeking a multi-disciplinary design team to design a sensitive residential scheme in Mansfield Town Centre. The Council is hoping that through a design competition they will secure an exemplar development that will have a significant impact on Mansfield’s town centre.
Mansfield District Council has acquired a strategically significant site in Mansfield’s town centre. The White Hart Street site sits within a conservation area and contains a listed building and non-designated heritage assets. It forms a key part of the Church Street Quarter in the emerging town centre masterplan.
It is the intention of the Council to sensitively redevelop the site for residential purposes. The accommodation will be a mix of elderly person’s apartments and family housing.  This development supports the vision and priorities of the Council’s corporate strategy Making Mansfield: Towards 2030.
Executive Mayor of Mansfield Andy Abrahams said: “We are delighted to be working with RIBA to help find a designer for this flagship redevelopment scheme in Mansfield.
 “White Hart Street is an important area close to the town centre which has been crying out to be resurrected into something that combines the old with the new and which will breathe new life into an area which has been run-down and largely derelict for many years.
 “We want to find an architect who is sensitive about the area’s heritage and excited about designing new housing that will stand the test of time, addressing the challenges of climate change, and providing affordable high quality homes that people of all ages enjoy and feel proud to live in.”     
Teresa Borsuk, Pollard Thomas Edwards’ and RIBA Architect Adviser for the competition said: “This is an important and exciting opportunity to transform White Hart Street in Mansfield by providing new homes and an identity that will help secure its future.”
Applications are invited in accordance with the requirements set out in the briefing document and selection questionnaire.  Further information can be found on the competition webpage at www.ribacompetitions.com/mansfield including a link to register for the competition.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 12.00 midday (GMT) on Wednesday 15 February 2023.

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