- wa-ID
- wa-2035366
- Tag der Veröffentlichung
- 13.12.2022
- Aktualisiert am
- 18.08.2023
- Verfahrensart
- Offener Wettbewerb
- Zulassungsbereich
- Teilnehmer
- Keine Teilnahmebeschränkungen
- Auslober
- Buildner Architecture Competitions
- Bewerbungsschluss
- 26.04.2023
- Abgabetermin
- 07.06.2023
- Bekanntgabe
- 12.07.2023
Offener Wettbewerb
Bekannt für seine weiten Strände, seine reiche Artenvielfalt und seine ausgedehnten grünen Wälder, gewinnt Lettland schnell an Beliebtheit als Reiseziel, insbesondere für diejenigen, die auf der Suche nach nachhaltigen Reisezielen sind. Und während sich der Tourismus weltweit langsam von der Pandemie erholt - die Welttourismusorganisation (UNWTO) verzeichnete einen Anstieg des internationalen Reiseverkehrs um 4 % - ist Mittelosteuropa der Entwicklung voraus und verzeichnet seit 2020 einen Anstieg des Tourismus um 18 %.
Da nachhaltiges Reisen und Wellnesstourismus in den kommenden Jahren zu den größten Tourismustrends gehören werden, scheint Lettland mehr Besucher denn je willkommen zu heißen, die seine üppige und vielfältige Landschaft erleben und einige Zeit in der Natur verbringen möchten.
Für den Wettbewerb Yoga House in the Bog sind die Teilnehmer aufgefordert, Entwürfe für ein Yoga-Haus einzureichen, das in einem lettischen Moor liegt, das von Wald umgeben ist und nur wenige hundert Meter vom Ostseestrand entfernt ist. Der Standort liegt eine Autostunde von Kap Kolka entfernt, einem einzigartigen Ort an der lettischen Küste, an dem zwei Meere aufeinandertreffen. Die gesamte Region ist der perfekte Ort, um die ruhige Reinheit der Natur und die lokale Landschaft zu erleben.
Das Yogahaus soll es den Gästen ermöglichen, während ihres Aufenthalts die Natur zu erleben und sich mit ihr zu verbinden. Während sie Schutz vor den Elementen brauchen - hohe Temperaturen im Sommer und starke Winde, Regen und Schnee im Winter - sollte das Yogahaus ihnen das Gefühl geben, ein Teil der Umwelt zu sein, nicht von ihr getrennt.
Für den Wettbewerb Yoga House in the Bog sucht die Jury nach Entwürfen, die sich harmonisch in die einzigartige und sensible Umgebung einfügen. Es sollte sowohl ein ikonisches Design als auch ein positives Beispiel für umweltfreundliche Baupraktiken sein.
Competition assignment
Known for its wide beaches, rich biodiversity, and vast green forest, Latvia is quickly gaining popularity as a tourist destination, especially for those looking for sustainable tourism destinations. And while tourism worldwide is slowly recovering after the pandemic – with the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) recording a 4% increase in international travel – central-eastern Europe is ahead of the curve, seeing tourism increase by 18% since 2020.
With sustainable travel and wellness tourism set to be some of the biggest tourism trends in coming years, Latvia seems to welcome more visitors than ever, looking to experience its lush and diverse landscape and spend some time in nature.
For the Yoga House in the Bog competition, participants are asked to submit designs for a yoga house located in a Latvian bog that is surrounded by forest and is a few hundred meters from Baltic Sea Beach. The location is a one-hour drive from Cape Kolka, a unique spot on the shores of Latvia where two seas clash. The entire region is the perfect place to experience the tranquil purity of nature and the local landscape.
The yoga house should allow guests to experience and connect with nature during their stay. While they need shelter and protection from the elements – high temperatures in summer and strong winds, rain, and snow in the winter – the yoga house should make them feel a part of the environment, not separated from it.
For the Yoga House in the Bog competition, the jury panel will be looking for designs that interact harmoniously with the unique and sensitive environment surrounding it. It should be both an iconic design and a positive example of green building practices.
Xuanru Chen is a lead architect at Shanghai-based ZJJZ Atelier; Olha Kleytman is Founder of SBM studio based in Kharkiv, Ukraine;
Nicolas Lapierre is Founding Partner of Atelier L'Abri, a Montreal based architecture studio specializing in ecological, healthy and sustainable construction;
Marco Lavit founded his architecture and design practice, Atelier LAVIT, in Paris in 2014;
Anna Maria Orrù works in biomimicry, artistic/design research and in curating performative ‘hands-on’ research, providing alternative approaches to ecological design and sustainability, and is an Affiliated Senior Lecturer at Konstfack – University of Arts, Crafts and Design and co-founder of Nordic Biomimicry, a center dedicated to collaborating with nature as a mentor, measure and method;
Judson Moore is the Design Director at Portland, Oregon-based Waechter Architecture;
Carine Pimenta, Daniel Zamarbide and Galliane Zamarbide are architects and Partner of Geneva and Lisbon based BUREAU;
Tom Schroeder is a senior architect with Patkau Architects and a guest critic / adjunct faculty at the University of British Columbia;
Yimeng Teng is a project architect at Ro Rockett Design, an award winning design firm based in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Aspen
Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:
Offener Wettbewerb
Bekannt für seine weiten Strände, seine reiche Artenvielfalt und seine ausgedehnten grünen Wälder, gewinnt Lettland schnell an Beliebtheit als Reiseziel, insbesondere für diejenigen, die auf der Suche nach nachhaltigen Reisezielen sind. Und während sich der Tourismus weltweit langsam von der Pandemie erholt - die Welttourismusorganisation (UNWTO) verzeichnete einen Anstieg des internationalen Reiseverkehrs um 4 % - ist Mittelosteuropa der Entwicklung voraus und verzeichnet seit 2020 einen Anstieg des Tourismus um 18 %.
Da nachhaltiges Reisen und Wellnesstourismus in den kommenden Jahren zu den größten Tourismustrends gehören werden, scheint Lettland mehr Besucher denn je willkommen zu heißen, die seine üppige und vielfältige Landschaft erleben und einige Zeit in der Natur verbringen möchten.
Für den Wettbewerb Yoga House in the Bog sind die Teilnehmer aufgefordert, Entwürfe für ein Yoga-Haus einzureichen, das in einem lettischen Moor liegt, das von Wald umgeben ist und nur wenige hundert Meter vom Ostseestrand entfernt ist. Der Standort liegt eine Autostunde von Kap Kolka entfernt, einem einzigartigen Ort an der lettischen Küste, an dem zwei Meere aufeinandertreffen. Die gesamte Region ist der perfekte Ort, um die ruhige Reinheit der Natur und die lokale Landschaft zu erleben.
Das Yogahaus soll es den Gästen ermöglichen, während ihres Aufenthalts die Natur zu erleben und sich mit ihr zu verbinden. Während sie Schutz vor den Elementen brauchen - hohe Temperaturen im Sommer und starke Winde, Regen und Schnee im Winter - sollte das Yogahaus ihnen das Gefühl geben, ein Teil der Umwelt zu sein, nicht von ihr getrennt.
Für den Wettbewerb Yoga House in the Bog sucht die Jury nach Entwürfen, die sich harmonisch in die einzigartige und sensible Umgebung einfügen. Es sollte sowohl ein ikonisches Design als auch ein positives Beispiel für umweltfreundliche Baupraktiken sein.
Competition assignment
Known for its wide beaches, rich biodiversity, and vast green forest, Latvia is quickly gaining popularity as a tourist destination, especially for those looking for sustainable tourism destinations. And while tourism worldwide is slowly recovering after the pandemic – with the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) recording a 4% increase in international travel – central-eastern Europe is ahead of the curve, seeing tourism increase by 18% since 2020.
With sustainable travel and wellness tourism set to be some of the biggest tourism trends in coming years, Latvia seems to welcome more visitors than ever, looking to experience its lush and diverse landscape and spend some time in nature.
For the Yoga House in the Bog competition, participants are asked to submit designs for a yoga house located in a Latvian bog that is surrounded by forest and is a few hundred meters from Baltic Sea Beach. The location is a one-hour drive from Cape Kolka, a unique spot on the shores of Latvia where two seas clash. The entire region is the perfect place to experience the tranquil purity of nature and the local landscape.
The yoga house should allow guests to experience and connect with nature during their stay. While they need shelter and protection from the elements – high temperatures in summer and strong winds, rain, and snow in the winter – the yoga house should make them feel a part of the environment, not separated from it.
For the Yoga House in the Bog competition, the jury panel will be looking for designs that interact harmoniously with the unique and sensitive environment surrounding it. It should be both an iconic design and a positive example of green building practices.
Xuanru Chen is a lead architect at Shanghai-based ZJJZ Atelier; Olha Kleytman is Founder of SBM studio based in Kharkiv, Ukraine;
Nicolas Lapierre is Founding Partner of Atelier L'Abri, a Montreal based architecture studio specializing in ecological, healthy and sustainable construction;
Marco Lavit founded his architecture and design practice, Atelier LAVIT, in Paris in 2014;
Anna Maria Orrù works in biomimicry, artistic/design research and in curating performative ‘hands-on’ research, providing alternative approaches to ecological design and sustainability, and is an Affiliated Senior Lecturer at Konstfack – University of Arts, Crafts and Design and co-founder of Nordic Biomimicry, a center dedicated to collaborating with nature as a mentor, measure and method;
Judson Moore is the Design Director at Portland, Oregon-based Waechter Architecture;
Carine Pimenta, Daniel Zamarbide and Galliane Zamarbide are architects and Partner of Geneva and Lisbon based BUREAU;
Tom Schroeder is a senior architect with Patkau Architects and a guest critic / adjunct faculty at the University of British Columbia;
Yimeng Teng is a project architect at Ro Rockett Design, an award winning design firm based in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Aspen
Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:
Yoga House in the Bog
Buildner Architecture Competition Organisers
About the Competition
Known for its wide beaches, rich biodiversity, and vast green forest, Latvia is quickly gaining popularity as a tourist destination, especially for those looking for sustainable tourism destinations. And while tourism worldwide is slowly recovering after the pandemic – with the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) recording a 4% increase in international travel – central-eastern Europe is ahead of the curve, seeing tourism increase by 18% since 2020.
With sustainable travel and wellness tourism set to be some of the biggest tourism trends in coming years, Latvia seems to welcome more visitors than ever, looking to experience its lush and diverse landscape and spend some time in nature.
For the Yoga House in the Bog competition, participants are asked to submit designs for a yoga house located in a Latvian bog that is surrounded by forest and is a few hundred meters from Baltic Sea Beach. The location is a one-hour drive from Cape Kolka, a unique spot on the shores of Latvia where two seas clash. The entire region is the perfect place to experience the tranquil purity of nature and the local landscape.
The yoga house should allow guests to experience and connect with nature during their stay. While they need shelter and protection from the elements – high temperatures in summer and strong winds, rain, and snow in the winter – the yoga house should make them feel a part of the environment, not separated from it.
For the Yoga House in the Bog competition, the jury panel will be looking for designs that interact harmoniously with the unique and sensitive environment surrounding it. It should be both an iconic design and a positive example of green building practices.
The competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum). Correspondence with organizers must be conducted in English; All information submitted by participants must be in English.
Closing date for registration: 26 April 2023
Closing date for project submission: 07 June 2023 (11:59pm London Time)
Announcement of the winners: 12 July 2023
Total Prize Fund: 10,000 € + Construction
1st Prize: 4,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
2nd Prize: 2,500 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
3rd Prize: 1,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
CLIENT’S FAVORITE AWARD: 1,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BUILDNER STUDENT AWARD: 1,000 € + 50 € ARCHHIVE BOOKS Gift Card + 50 Points BUILDNER Architecture University Rankings + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BUILDNER SUSTAINABILITY AWARD: 500 € + 50 € AAPPAREL.com Gift Card + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
+ 6 Honorable Mentions
More information and documents at